Cum folosim Viitorul Simplu in Engleza?
Astazi, vorbim despre viitorul simplu in Engleza. Folosim WILL pentru a exprima viitorul. Will este un verb auxiliar, adica este intotdeauna combinat cu un alt verb.
Will – Verb Modal
WILL este considera si un verb modal precum: can, would, could, should. Asta inseamna ca nu isi schimba forma indiferent de persoana si nu este urmat de particula ”to”.
Forma negativa inseamna adaugarea negatiei not. will+not=won’t
- She will be happy with her exam results. Ea va fi fericita/multumita de rezultatele la examen.
- She won’t be happy with her exam results. Ea nu va fi fericita/multumita de rezultatele la examen.
Cand folosim WILL?
1. Decizii rapide, spontane, luate pe moment.
- I’ll call a taxi for you.
- I think we’ll go right now. (I just decided this right now)
- Which one? Um, I will have the chicken sandwich please.
2. Preziceri – Cand credem ceva despre viitor si ne bazam pe propria judecata sau opinie.
- I think it will rain later so take an umbrella with you.
- I think you will find the movie interesting.
Poti observa cum folosim verbul think „I think that… – cred ca
3. Cand facem o oferta, promisiune, sau o amenintare
- You look tired. I’ll finish the dishes for you.
- I will do my best to help you.
- If you say anything I will not speak with you again!
- I will have it ready by tomorrow.
- I’ll drive you to work if you want.
- Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. (won’t = will not)
4. Folosim will pentru a exprima un obicei previzibil.
- My daughter will fall asleep as soon as she is put into bed.
- He will give up if he starts losing. He always does that.
5. Folosim WON’T pentru a exprima refuzul de a face sau accepta ceva
- I told him to clean his room but he won’t do it.
- She won’t listen to anything I say.
6. Pentru a spune ca cineva este de acord sa faca ceva
- Dan says he will do it. Dan spune ca o va face. (este de acord sa o faca.)
- I hope you will come to the party. Sper ca vei veni la petrecere.
Exercitii – Viitorul Simplu in Engleza
Completati spatiile goale cu formele corecte de viitor:
1. Los Angeles is a great city. I’m sure you (have) a good time there.
2. I’m not sure but we (see) Catrina at the funeral tomorrow.
3. I’ve already decided. I (phone) my bank manager tomorrow.
4. The next course (start) on 1 July. That’s what the website says.
5. The meeting (be) over by six. They don’t usually take more than an hour.
6. I (help) you do the washing up if you like.
7. Bella and I (get) married in the summer. We’ve already agreed on the date.
8. This time tomorrow we (fly) to New Zealand. We’ll be about halfway through the flight.
9. We (run out) of coffee soon. The tin’s almost empty.
Traduceti aceste propozitii in Engleza, folosind viitorul cu will, be going to si formele de prezent:
- Avem/vom avea lectie lunea viitoare.
- Trenul soseste/va sosi la 6.30 dimineata.
- Sarbatorile vor incepe saptamana viitoare.
- Ziua mea de nastere este/va fi saptamana viitoare.
- Joc fotbal maine.
- Ei vor veni sa ne vada maine.
- Vor da o petrecere de craciun.
- Va fi o zi frumoasa maine.
- Cred ca Brazilia va castiga cupa mondiala.
- Cred ca iti va placea filmul.
- Sper ca vei veni la petrecerea mea.
- George spune ca ne va ajuta.
- Ne vedem maine.
- Iti vom trimite un email.
- Tim va fi la sedinta.
- Mary va ajuta la gatit.
- Astazi, voi merge la serviciu cu masina.
- Ei se vor muta la Manchester.
- Uite-te la acei nori negri! Cred ca va ploua.
- Ai grija! O sa cazi.
Traduceti aceste propozitii in Engleza, folosind viitorul cu will, be going to si formele de prezent:
- La 8 voi lucra, Poti veni mai tarziu?
- Ei te vor astepta cand vei sosi.
- Ce vei face anul viitor? As vrea sa merg la universitate.
- Avem in plan sa mergem in Franta de sarbatori.
- George vrea sa-si cumpere masina.
- As putea sta acasa diseara sau as putea sa merg la film.
- Am putea sa o vedem pe Mary la sedinta.
- Ar trebui sa fim acasa la timp pentru ceai.
- Jocul ar trebui sa se termine pana la ora 8.
- Voi veni acasa cand voi termina lucrul.
- Trebuie sa astepti aici pana vine tatal tau.
- Ei vin dupa ce iau masa.
- Nu vom putea iesi daca ploua.
- Daca Barcelona pierde meciul, vor fi campioni.
- Nu vom putea iesi daca ploua.
- Voi veni acasa cand termin lucrul.
- Voi fi fericit daca vei veni la petrecere.
- Ar trebui sa terminam treaba devreme daca George ne va ajuta.
- Sunt sigur ca te vei distra in Los Angeles.
- Imi voi suna managerul de cont maine.
- Sedinta ar trebui sa se termine pana la 6. De obicei nu dureaza mai mult de o ora.
- Te voi ajuta sa speli vasele daca vrei.
- Maine la ora asta voi zbura spre Noua Zeelanda. Vom fi pe la jumatatea zborului.
- Nu vom mai avea cafea in curand. Cutia este aproape goala.
Exercitii – Raspunsuri
Traduceti aceste propozitii in Engleza, folosind viitorul cu will, be going to si formele de prezent:
- We have a lesson next Monday.
- The train arrives at 6.30 in the morning.
- The holidays start next week.
- It’s my birthday tomorrow.
- I’m playing football tomorrow.
- They are coming to see us tomorrow.
- We’re having a party at Christmas.
- It will be a nice day tomorrow.
- I think Brazil will win the World Cup.
- I’m sure you will enjoy the film.
- I hope you will come to my party.
- George says he will help us.
- I’ll see you tomorrow.
- We’ll send you an email.
- Tim will be at the meeting.
- Mary will help with the cooking.
- I’m going to drive to work today.
- They are going to move to Manchester.
- Look at those black clouds. I think it’s going to rain.
- Be careful! You are going to fall.
Traduceti aceste propozitii in Engleza, folosind viitorul cu will, be going to si formele de prezent:
- I’ll be working at eight o’clock. Can you come later?
- They’ll be waiting for you when you arrive.
- What are you going to do next year? I’d like to go to university.
- We plan to go to France for our holidays.
- George wants to buy a new car.
- I might stay at home tonight or I might go to the cinema.
- We could see Mary at the meeting.
- We should be home in time for tea.
- The game should be over by eight o’clock.
- I’ll come home when I finish work.
- You must wait here until your father comes.
- They are coming after they have had dinner.
- We won’t be able to go out if it is raining.
- If Barcelona lose tomorrow, they will be champions.
- We won’t be able to go out if it rains.
- I’ll come home when I finish work.
- I will be very happy if you will come to my party.
- We should finish the job early if George will help us.
- I’m sure you’ll have a good time in Los Angeles.
- I’m going to phone my bank manager tomorrow.
- The meeting should be over by six. They don’t usually take more than an hour.
- I’ll help you do the washing up if you like.
- This time tomorrow we’ll be flying to New Zealand. We’ll be about halfway through the flight.
- We’re going to run out of coffee soon. The tin’s almost empty. - Magazin de cadouri
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