Verbul Modal Should

7 Situatii Cand Folosim Should in Limba Engleza

Verbul modal Should este folosit in limba Engleza, destul de des pentru a exprima parerea, opinia, sfatul sau regretul pentru greseli facute in trecut dar si probabilitatea.

De fapt, Should este un verb auxiliar modal. Asta inseamna ca nu are sens singur. Nu se poate folosi singur si nu are inteles singur, decat in prezenta unui verb la infinitiv sau infinitiv perfect.

Cand folosim verbul modal Should?

1. Should este flosit pentru a exprima opinia:

  • People should do more physical exercise. Oamenii ar trebui sa faca mai mult exercitiu fizic.
  • People should be more polite to each other. Oamenii ar trebui sa fie mai politicosi unii cu altii.
  • People should be more aware of pollution causing activities. Oamenii ar trebui sa fie mai constienti de actitivtatile care produc poluare.

2. Folosim Should in intrebari

Cum traducem acest verb modal in limba romana? Il traducem ”ar trebui”

  • When should we use ”should”? Cand ar trebui folosim Should?

Tocmai am pus o intrebare. Cand ar trebui sa folosim Should? In intrebari la care ne asteptam sa primim raspuns cu sens de sfat sau parere. Ex.

  • Should we invite our neighbours to our party? Ar trebui sa-i invitam si pe vecinii nostri la petrecere?
  • Do you think they will feel alright here? Should we invite them? Crezi ca se vor simti bine aici? Ar trebui sa-i invitam?

Raspunsul la intrebarea formulata cu Should poate fi, formulat tot cu acelasi verb modal:

  • We should invite them over to our party.  Ar trebui sa-i invitam la petrecerea noastra.
  • I think we should call them and ask them. Cred ca ar trebui sa-i sunam si sa-i intrebam.

3. Pentru a exprima sfatul

Putem folosi  ”Should’‘ pentru a da sfaturi celorlalti, cand vrem sa spunem care este cel mai bun lucru sau cea mai buna modalitate, metoda, varianta pentru cineva. Este de obicei folosit pentru persoana a doua.

  • You should read the text carefully before answering the questions. Ar trebui sa citesti textul cu atentie inainte de a raspunde la intrebari.
  • You should eat more vegetables to add more fiber to your diet. Ar trebui sa mananci mai multe legume pentru a adauga mai multe fibre la dieta ta.

4. In limbaj formal cu sensul ”Daca”

Folosim verbul modal Should in situatii formale, oficiale in locul lui IF

Aici are sensul Daca. ex.

  • Should you wish to sit for this exam, you can use this book. Daca vrei sa dai acest examen, poti folosi aceasta carte pentru a te pregati.

Poti spune si:

  • If you want to sit for this exam, you can use this book to prepare yourself. Daca vrei sa dai acest examen, poti folosi aceasta carte pentru a te pregati.

5. Pentru a exprima probabilitatea

Folosim ”Should” pentru a exprima Probabilitatea.

  • There should be some pizza left in the fridge. Ar trebui sa mai fie niste pizza ramasa in frigider.

Nu esti sigur.. Mai poti exprima probabilitatea si cu ”may”.

  • There may be some pizza left in. Probabil/Poate ca mai este pizza ramasa.

Un alt exemplu:

  • You should arrive at 3 pm if you take the train. Ar trebui sa ajungi la 3 daca iei trenul.
Citeste si:  Imperativul in conversatie in Engleza

Nu exista certitudine 100% de aceea folosim acest verb modal in aceasta situatie. In mod normal, stii cat dureaza calatoria daca totul merge bine.

6. Obligatia morala, personala

Poti exprima obligatia personala, obligatia morala, folosind Should in urmatoarele situatii:

  • You should be in school early. Ar trebui sa fii la scoala devreme.
  • You shouldn’t be late for school. Nu ar trebui sa intarzii la scoala.
  • I should pay more attention to this problem. Ar trebui sa acorzi mai multa atentie acestei probleme.
  • They should use less plastic material to avoid pollution. Ar trebui sa se foloseasca mai putin plastic pentru a se evita poluarea.

7. Pentru a exprima greseli din trecut

Poti exprima regretul fata de greseli facute in trecut folosind Should + have + participiul trecut (-ed sau forma a 3 a  a verbului)

Folosim ”Should”  cand vorbim despre greseli din trecut pe care le regretam:

  • You should have taken the train. You didn’t. So, you were late for the meeting. It’s too late to change anything. Ar fi trebuit sa iei trenul. Nu l-ai luat. Asa ca ai intarziat la intalnire/sedinta. Este prea tarziu pentru a mai face ceva.
  • I was offered a good position in the company but I turned it down. Now I am sorry about that. I should have accepted the position. Mi s-a oferit un post bun in firma dar l-am refuzat. Acum, imi pare rau. Ar fi trebuit sa accept postul.
  • Someone made you a really good offer. You didn’t take it. You are sorry but there’s nothing you can do about it now. You should have taken that offer. Ar fi trebuit sa aceepti oferta. Cineva ti-a facut o oferta foarte buna. Nu ai acceptat-o.
  • I should have been there. I wasn’t there. I wish I had but It is too late now. Ar fi trebuit sa fiu acolo. Nu am fost acolo. Imi doresc sa fi fost acolo.

Dupa cum poti vedea: ”Should” este urmat de have +participiul trecut al verbului.

Iti reamintesc ca participiul trecut se formeaza de la infinitivul verbului +terminatia –ed daca verbul este regulat. In cazul verbelor neregulate, vom folosi forma a 3 a. ex.

  • a fi: be- was/were- been. I should have been more careful. Ar fi trebuit sa fiu mai atent.
  • a avea: have-had-had  . I should have had the opportunity. Ar fi trebuit sa am sansa.

 Verbul Should la negativ

Should in propozitii negative Should not sau shouldn’t.

  • You shouldn’t waste your time watching TV. You have a lot of homework to do. Nu ar trebui sa iti pierzi timpul uitandu-te la tv. Ai multe teme de facut.

Putem sa exprimam acelasi lucru folosind un alt verb modal: Would ex.

  • It would be better for you not to waste your time watching TV. Ar fi mai bine pentru tine sa nu pierzi timpul uitandu-te la tv.
  • I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to waste your time watching TV. Nu cred ca este o idee buna pentru tine sa te  uiti la tv.

Poti folosi should cand te gandesti la ce crezi ca ar trebui sa faci sau altii ar trebui sa faca.

  • You shouldn’t eat so much meat! It’s not good for your health. Nu ar trebui sa mananci asa multa carne. Nu este buna pentru sanatate.
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Poti sa exprimi sfatul folosind should atat la forma afirmativa cat si la forma negativa. La forma negativa, ”should not” poate exprima si dezaprobarea.

  • You shouldn’t speak like that. You shouldn’t use that language here. Nu ar trebui sa vorbesti asa. Nu ar trebui sa folosesti acel limbaj aici.

Poti exprima sfatul folosind should sau shouldn’t.

  • Iti dau sfat in legatura cu ceeace ce ar trebui sa faci sau nu. I’m giving you advice about what you should or you should not do.
  • You should smile to people even if you don’t know them personally. Ar trebui sa zambesti oamenilor chiar daca nu-i cunosti personal.

Exercitii cu verbul modal Should

1. Completi spatiile libere folosind should, should have, should not, respectiv shouldn’t:

1. You ….. read as many books as you can in your spare time.

2.The government …. find solutions for the social problems in the poor communities.

3.You … eat more vegetable. you need more fiber in your daily diet.

4.They …. be here in about two hours. The train arrives at 3 PM.

5. I ….(tell) her the truth then. She would have been happier to know the truth.

6. I’m so sorry I turned down their offer. I ….( take) their offer.

7. You …. take  the bus to go to the centre. It’s cheaper than the taxi.

8. They … be more careful when speaking in public about this sensible issue.

9. You …. work so hard every day. You have so tired lately.

10. I think you … ask them before making any decision. I’m sure they would appreciate if you asked them first.

2. Traduceti in Engleza
  1. Ar trebui sa se foloseasca mai putin plastic pentru a se evita poluarea.
  2. Nu cred ca este o idee buna pentru tine sa te  uiti la tv.
  3. Ar trebui sa ajungi la 3 daca iei trenul.
  4. Ar trebui sa-i invitam si pe vecinii nostri la petrecere?
  5. Ar trebui sa bei ceai de ghimbir daca te doare capul.
  6. Nu ar trebui sa intarzii la scoala.
  7. Cred ca ar trebui sa-i sunam si sa-i intrebam.
  8. Ar trebui sa acorzi mai multa atentie acestei probleme.
  9. Ar trebui sa mananci mai multe legume pentru a adauga mai multe fibre la dieta ta.
  10. Ar fi mai bine pentru tine sa nu pierzi timpul uitandu-te la tv.
  11. Ar trebui sa fii la scoala devreme.
  12. Ar trebui sa citesti textul cu atentie inainte de a raspunde la intrebari.
  13. Ar trebui sa mai fie niste pizza ramasa in frigider.
  14. Ar fi trebuit sa accepti oferta.
  15. Nu ar trebui sa vorbesti asa. Nu ar trebui sa folosesti acel limbaj aici.
  16. Nu ar trebui sa mananci asa multa carne. Nu este buna pentru sanatate.
  17. Daca vrei sa dai acest examen, poti folosi aceasta carte pentru a te pregati.
  18. Oamenii ar trebui sa fie mai constienti de actitivtatile care produc poluare.
  19. Ar trebui sa zambesti oamenilor chiar daca nu-i cunosti personal.
  20. Ar fi trebuit sa mai astepti cateva zile inainte sa-i dai telefon.
3. Completeaza propozitiile folosind should, shouldn’t si cuvintele din paranteze.
  1. You have a great job; you (change) it.
  2. You (drink) so much coffee; it’s bad for your blood pressure.
  3. The government (help) people.
  4. It’s an incredible film. You (watch) it.
  5. It’s a very dangerous area. Tourists (go) there.
  6. Do you think (I/apply) for a new job?
  7. You (go) to that restaurant. The food is terrible.
  8. When someone does you a favour, you (say) thank you.
  9. He (study) more if he wants to pass his exam.
  10. Children (drink) sugary drinks. It’s not very healthy.
  11. It’s cold. You (wear) a cardigan.
  12. She’s always tired. She  (go)  to bed late every night.  (we / leave) now.
  13. You (eat) some fruit or vegetables every day.
  14. The students (use) their mobile phones in the exam.
  15. You (ask) the teacher to help you if you don’t understand the lesson.
  16. People (drive) fast in the town centre.
  17. (I / buy) the dress or the skirt?
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4. Folositi should sau shouldn’t pentru a completa propozitiile de mai jos:
  1. You smoke in bed.
  2. You go to the opera in London. It’s great.
  3. You tell her about it. It’s too depressing.
  4. You cross the street at red traffic lights.
  5. The doctor told him that he eat less. He’s too fat.
  6. I think you spend less money on clothes. They’re too expensive.
  7. That’s a fantastic book. You read it.
  8. He is often late to work. You get up earlier.
  9. She tell lies.
  10. He’s fifteen. He drive a car.
5. Alegeti can sau should pentru a completa propozitiile de mai jos:

1. In New York, there’s a lot to do. For instance, you _____ visit Ellis Island or the Statue of Liberty or a number of other places.

2. Okay, but what do you think I _____ do while I’m in New York?

3. It’s somewhat dangerous to walk at night, you _____ get a cab home.

4. _____ you tell me some fun things to do in your city?

5. In your opinion, _____ I visit the National Museum?

6. The city tour bus is great! You _____ ride it sometime!

7. New York is always beautiful; you _____ go any time of the year!

8. Even though New York is always beautiful, you _____ go in the spring. It’s my favourite season.

9. Your mom would love that! You _____ buy it for her!

10. I bought a new cellphone, it’s great. I don’t have any cool ringtones, though. I _____ download some.

11. I bought a new cellphone and I _____ download different applications on it.

12. I want to adopt a pet. What do you think, I _____ get, a kitten or a puppy?

13. In my city, you _____ take the bus or get a taxi; both services are really good!

14. What _____ I do? I am really confused and I need your help!

15. We _____ not miss the play next week. I have heard it’s really good!

16. I _____ not decide if I am going to buy the blue or the red sweater!

17. I _____ learn French. I am moving to Paris next year.

18. I _____ go with you to the beach! My mom said it’s okay.

19. You _____ borrow my notes for next week’s test. I’ve already studied!

20. You _____ borrow my notes for next week’s test since you didn’t listen to anything the teacher said.

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