May si Might – Verbe Modale pentru Probabibilitate si Permisiune
Verbele modale may si might sunt auxiliare care se folosesc pentru a exprima probabilittatea, posibilitatea si permisiunea in limba Engleza.
Sunt cateva reguli legate de folosirea lor si trebuie sa le stim pentru a ne exprima corect.
Cand folosim verbele modale May si Might?
Aceste doua verbe sunt folosite in principal, pentru a exprima posibilitatea. In intrebari, may si might sunt folosite pentru a exprima permisiunea. Cu alte cuvinte, folosim may sau might pentru a cere permisiunea, in intrebari.
Ca si celelalte verbe modale, atat may cat si might sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt al verbului, adice, fara To.
Nu conteaza ca vorbim despre prezent sau despre viitor, may si might se folosesc la fel.
Posibilitatea specifica
Verbele modale may si might sunt folosite pentru a exprima posibilitatea, probabilitatea specifica.
Iata cateva exemple mai jos:
- It may rain tomorrow. Poate ca maine ploua. Probabil ca ploua maine.
- He may be very angry when he finds out. Probabil va fi foarte suparat cand va afla.
Exprima posibilitatea in prezent sau in viitor. Nu are importanta. Intelegem cand credem ca este posibil sau nu, din context.
- She might already be at school now. Probabil este deja la scoala acum. – prezent
- She might be at school tomorrow. Poate ca va fi la scoala maine. – viitor
May este folosit pentru a exprima ca ceva este posibil.
- I can’t find my keys. They may be in the car. Nu-mi gasesc cheile. Probabil sunt in masina.
Daca esti afara si sta sa ploua, spui:
- I think I should take an umbrella. It may rain later. Cred ca ar trebui sa imi iau umbrela. S-ap putea sa ploua mai tarziu.
Permisiunea politicoasa cu May
Poti folosi May pentru a cere permisiunea, intr-un mod politicos. May este formal, protocolar.
Cel mai politicos mod de a cere permisiunea.
- May I ask a question? Pot pune o intrebare?
- May I use your phone? Pot folosi telefonul?
Permisiunea politicoasa cu Might
Poti folosi Might pentru a cere permisiunea intr-un mod politicos, formal. Might este foarte formal/protocolar atunci cand il folosim pentru cere permisiunea.
Negativ – May not sau Might not
Verbele modale may si might primesc Not pentru a forma negativul.
La negativ, may si might nu au forma scurta.
- They may not be able to help you. – inseamna – S-ar putea (probabil) ca ei sa nu poate sa te ajute. I think it’s possible that they won’t be able to help you.
- They might not be ready. S-ar putea ca ei sa nu fie gata.
Might exprima un grad putin mai ridicat de probabilitate decat may. Exprima mai multa indoiala.
- I don’t know where my keys are.They might still be in the car. I have no idea where they might be.
- Nu stiu unde sunt cheile. Ar putea fi in masina. Nu am nici o idee unde ar putea fi.
Exprimarea conditiei cu May si Might
May sau might pot exprima posibilitatea in propozitii conditionale.
- You might miss your flight unless you leave now. Poti pierde avionul daca nu pleci acum.
- You may miss your flight if you don’t leave now. Poti pierde avionul daca nu pleci acum.
May sau might pot exprima posibilitatea prezenta la aspectul continuu:
- What do you think he is doing now? He might be listening to some music. Ce crezi ca face acum? Probabil asculta muzica. ( Ar putea asculta muzica acum.)
Formele de trecut
Cum folosim May si Might la Trecut?
Folosim might + have+participiu trecut cand vorbim despre probabilitate in trecut:
- What do you think he did yesterday? He might have listened to some music. Ce crezi ca a facut ieri? Probabil a ascultat muzica. ( Ar fi putut asculta muzica.)
- What do you think he was doing yesterday? He might have been listening to some music. Ce crezi ca facea ieri? Probabil ca asculta muzica.
L-am sunt ieri si nu a raspuns. Ce crezi ca facea cand l-am sunat. Proababil asculta muzica.
Cand vrem sa exprimam posibilitatea, in trecut, la forma negativa, folosim may sau might + have + participiu trecut.
- He might not have heard you. Probabil ca nu te-a auzit. Este posibil sa nu te fi auzit.
- I can’t find my keys. I think I may have left them in the car. Nu-mi gasesc cheile. Probabil le-am lasat in masina. Este posibil sa le fi lasat in masina.
Mai poti spune:
- I might have left them in the car. Este posibil sa le fi lasat in masina.
Uneori, putem exprima acelasi lucru folosind verbul modal Could.
Folosim, may, might dar si Could pentru a exprima posibilitati specifice.
- It could/may/might be very hot tomorrow.
May In urari
May se foloseste pentru a exprima dorinte si pentru a face urari de nunta, urari de viata lunga, fericita etc.
- May you live a long happy life! Sa traiesti multi ani fericiti!
- May you live long happy life together! Urare de nunta sau aniversare.
Diferenta dintre May si Might
Ca sens, atat May cat si Might, inseamna acelasi lucru. Sunt 3 diferente de nuanta intre May si Might.
- 1. Might exprima o probabilitatea putin mai mare decat May.
- 2. Fata de May, verbul modal might are o nuanta mai formala cand cerem permisiunea.
- 3. Reported Speech – Vorbirea Indirecta
In vorbirea Indirecta, Might este forma de trecut care corespunde lui May in vorbirea directa. ex.
Exercitii cu verbele modale may si might
1. Completati spatiile libere cu may sau might:
1. Where is Jade? She …… at home doing the washing up.
2. She says she ….. go to shopping tomorrow.
3. You …… miss your flight if you don’t leave right now.
4. He ….. be able to help you. He’s very busy at the moment.
5. ……. I use your pen please? Mine is not working properly.
6. He said he had talked to Jane. He …… have talked to her on his way home, but I can’t be sure.
7. Take an umbrella with you. They say it ……. rain later.
8. I can’t find my wallet. I ……. have left it at home.
9. ……. you get more happiness than last year.
10. Was that John walking by? It …… have been. I’m not sure.
2. Completati spatiile libere cu may sau might:
- I was just wondering whether you ____ be able to help me.
- ____ God have mercy on your soul.
- You ____ well be right.
- I told them I ____ go if I felt like it, but wasn’t sure.
- Students ____ only borrow four books at a time.
- The examiner says we ____ leave when we’ve finished.
- It ____ be very expensive, but it’s much better than the others.
- I just ____ accept your offer.
- You ____ try asking her for help- she knows her stuff.
- You ____ have told me earlier!
3. Completati spatiile libere cu may sau might si formele verbale corecte:
- Take your umbrella as it rain today.
- He is still at work ! He come late I am afraid.
- John couldn’t repair his washing-machine; he ask his neighbour.
- They talked too loudly. They wake the baby !
- Darling! I wonder if I offer you that marvellous car you saw yesterday ?
- Mum ! My friends are having a party tonight. I go please?
- Sweetheart ! As you were at home, you do the ironing, don’t you think ?
- Yes darling, but I was afraid I burn your marvellous shirt !
- He late because his flight has been delayed.
- Look at those clouds ! It rain in a minute.
- If Susan said that, it true. She never lies.
- I think there a mistake in your tax return. You should check it.
- Paul is behaving in a very unusual way. I think he _____drink again.
- Sorry, but I’m not Connor. You me for someone else.
- I’m not sure I trust Peter. He the person we think he is.
4. Completati spatiile libere cu may sau might si formele verbale corecte:
1. May I go in and speak to her? (I/go in/and/speak/?)
2. I may not see you again for months. (not/see)
3. I tell you what you might do. (do)
4. I it from him. (past/learn)
5. It as hard as you imagine. (not/be)
6. He asks if he his way. (not/lose)
7. He asked me if he. (write)
8. If he has it, us. (help)
9. the day here? (she/not/spend/?)
10. You me when I tell you. (believe)
11. So that I (not/forget)
12. So fair an opportunity again. (not/offer)
13. We Cairo, however. (not/reach)
14. The girl him as a wife. (not/suit)
15. But he back this way. (not/come)
16. You so, but you have. (not/think)
17. It all we can get. (be)
18. My men a clean job. (not/make)
19. I am so faint I ! (not/stand)
20. I think he silent. (past/keep)
4. Traduceti in Engleza folosind may si might:
- S-ar putea sa te vad maine.
- Arata bine dar ar putea fi foarte scump.
- Este foarte insorit/stralucitor. S-ar putea sa nu ploua astazi.
- Studentii pot calatori gratis.
- Nu ai voie sa imprumuti masina pana cand nu esti mai atent cu ea.
- Studentii nu au voie sa poarte blugi.
- Poti merge acum.
- Poti veni la 11 daca doresti.
- Pot sa imprumut masina maine? (formal)
- Putem veni putin mai tarziu?
- Jack poate veni sa ne vada maine. (Perhaps Jack will come to see us tomorrow.)
- Vai! Este 10:30. Probabil vom intarziua la intalnire. (Perhaps we will be late for the meeting.)
- Nu a dormit deloc. Probabil este obosita. (Perhaps she is tired.)
- Nu am primit scrisoarea ta. Este posibil sa se fi pierdut la posta.
- Este ora 10. Probabil au ajuns pana acum. T
- El a intrebat daca poate sa imprumute masina dvs.
- Voiau sa stie daca ar putea veni mai tarziu.
- Am putea pune o intrebare?
- As putea sa intrerup un moment?
- Nu sunt sigur dar cred ca aparatul meu foto este sa fie stricat.
- Nu stiu nu imi sunt manusile. Ar putea fi in bucatarie.
- Am intarziat. Probabil piesa (de teatru) a inceput deja.
- Mi-e teama ca este posibil sa-ti fi rupt bratul. Ai nevoie de o radiografie.
- Ati putea fi atenti, va rog? (As putea avea atentia dvs, va rog?)
- Am putea vorbi in particular? (As putea avea un cuvant in privat?)
- Aveti voie sa dati un singur telefon.
Exercitiu 5
- I might see you tomorrow.
- It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
- It’s quite bright. It might not rain today.
- Students may travel for free.
- You may not borrow the car until you can be more careful with it!
- Students may not wear jeans.
- You may go now.
- You may come at eleven if you wish.
- May I borrow the car tomorrow?
- May we come a bit later?
- Jack may be coming to see us tomorrow.
- Perhaps Jack will come to see us tomorrow.
- Oh dear! It’s half past ten. We may be late for the meeting.
- Perhaps we will be late for the meeting.
- She’s had no sleep. She may be tired.
- Perhaps she is tired.
- I haven’t received your letter. It may have got lost in the post.
- It’s ten o’clock. They might have arrived by now.
- He asked if he might borrow the car.
- They wanted to know if they might come later.
- Might we ask you a question?
- Might I just interrupt for a moment?
- I’m not sure but I think my camera may be broken.
- I don’t know where your gloves are. They might be in the kitchen.
- We’re late. The play may have started already.
- I’m afraid you might have broken your arm. You need an X-ray.
- May I have your attention, please?
- Might I have a word in private?
- You may make one telephone call.
Sper ca lectia a fost utila si ati inteles cand puteti folosi verbele modale may sau might. daca aveti intrebari, le puteti lasa intr-un comentariu mai jos. Promitem sa raspundem cat de repede putem. - Magazin de cadouri
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