Verbele Auxiliare in Limba Engleza

Invata Verbele Auxiliare in Limba Engleza!

Verbele auxiliare in limba Engleza se numesc ”Auxiliary” sau ”Helping Verbs” pentru ca ajuta la formarea timpurilor verbale, diateza si intareste sensul verbelor principale.

Sunt folosite impreuna cu verbul principal pentru a exprima timpul, forma negativa sau interogativa.

Verbele auxiliare in limba Engleza
Verbele auxiliare in limba Engleza

Cele mai importante verbe auxiliare in limba Engleza sunt: Have, Be si Do.

  • Does Sam speak English? Vorbeste Sam Engleza?
  • Terry is writing an e-mail to a client.  Terry scrie un email unui client.

Verbele Auxiliare, numite si verbe ajutatoare adauga sens gramatical si functional propozitiilor in care sunt folosite.

Verbele auxiliare apar aproape intotdeauna impreuna cu verbul principal. Desi sunt doar cateva verbe auxiliare, ele sunt printre cele mai folosite cuvinte din limba Engleza.

Cum identificam verbele Auxiliare in limba Engleza?

Dupa cum stii, fiecare propozitie include cel putin, un verb.
Verbele principale se folosesc cu verbe auxiliare: Do, Be. Have. pentru a exprima timpurile:

Do – apare in verbe la timplurile simple: Simple Tenses. Ex.

  • I do not speak fast.Nu vorbesc repede.
  • I did not talk to her. Nu am vorbit cu ea.

Be – apare in timpurile cu actiune in progres si Diateza Pasiva, Continuous Tenses and The Passive Voice:

Are formele: be, am, are, is, La trecut , ”be” are formele: was, were,Ex.

  • I am talking to you now.Vorbesc cu tine acum.
  • I was working in the garden Lucram in gradina.
  • That book was written 50 years ago. Cartea a fost scrisa acum 50 de ani.

Have – apare in timpurile compuse, Perfect Tenses. Pentru prezent, folosim formele Have pentur otate persoanele cu exceptia persoanei a 3 a singular, ”has”. Pentru trecut, folosim forma ”Had”, la toate persoanele. Ex.

  • I have seen it before. L-am mai vazut.
  • I had seen that film before. Mai vazusem filmul inainte.

Verbele auxiliare se folosesc tot timpul si peste tot. Ele sunt o parte foarte importanta din gramatica. Este important sa folosesti aceste verbe auxiliare cum trebuie!

Citeste si:  Past simple -Trecutul in Engleza
  • Do – poate fi folosit si ca verb de actiune si are sensul: a face.

Cand este folosit ca auxiliar, in functie de timpul gramatical exprimat, ”Do” are formele:

  • Afirmativ: do, does, did, done, negative
  • Negativ: don’t sau do not, doesn’t sau does not, didn’t, sau did not.

Cand este folosit ca verb auxiliar, in propozitii afirmative, Do este imperecheat cu un alt verb pentru a intari sensul acestuia din urma. Ex.

  • I do love you.Chiar te iubesc.
  • I did, put the bag in the compartment. Chiar am pus geanta in compartiment.

”Do” se foloseste si in Tag-questions, propozitii interogative in care raspunsul este pe jumatate cunoscut. Ex.

  • He plays piano well, doesn’t he?” Nu canta bine la pian, nu?
  • You don’t want to come with us, do you? Nu vrei sa vii cu npi nu?

In fraza, poate inlocui o intreaga propozitie afirmativa sau negativa. Ex.

  • They all had dinner, but I didn’t.” Toti au luat cina dar eu, nu.

Be – se foloseste in multe situatii. Ca verb de sine statator, are sensul ”a fi”. Ex.
I am what I am. They are my best friends. There are two books on the coffee table.

Formele lui Be: to be, been, am, are, is, was, were, wasn’t sau was not aren’t sau are not, weren’t sau were not.

  • I‘m talking to you. Vorbesc cu tine.
  • What are you doing now? Ce faci acum.
  • They are leaving. Ei pleaca.

Verbele auxiliare Modale

Pe langa cele trei, cele mai importante verbe auxiliare, have, do, and be, mai sunt si verbele modale.

Sunt numite modale si nu isi schimba forma niciodata indiferent de persoana sau numar. Unele au forme pentru trecut.

  • Can – Could     Pentru negative avem: Cannot sau Can’t, Could not sau Couldn’t
  • May – Might     Pentru negative avem: May not – Might not
  • Must – Had to  Pentru negative avem: must noyt sau mustan’t . Pentur trecut, avem Did not have to sau didn’t have to
  • Ought to          Pentru negative avem: ought not
  • Shall – Should Pentru negative avem: Should not sau Shouldn’t
  • Will – Would    Pentru negative avem: Will not sau won’t si pentru trecut avem, would not sau wouldn’t
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  • I can do what I want. Pot face ce vreau.
  • I could do what I wanted as a child. Puteam sa fac ce vreau cand eram copil.
  • You may say I’m a dreamer. Poti sa spui ca sunt un visator.
Functiile verbelor auxiliare in propozitii:
  • Ajuta la formarea timpului gramatical, cu referinta pentru timp, prezent, trecut, viitor
  • Din punct de vedere gramatical, exprima modul in care verbul relationeaza cu timpul.
  • Sunt folosite pentru a exprima diateza.
  • Arata relatia dintre actiunea exprimata de verb si participantii identificati ca subiect si obiect
  • Accentueaza anumite aspecte intr-o propozitie.

Exemple de verbe auxiliare in propozitii:

Traduceti in limba Engleza folosind verbele auxiliare corecte:
  1. Jessica il duce pe John la aeroport.
  2. Daca nu ajunge la timp, va trebui sa ia un zbor mai tarziu.
  3. Din pacate, cina noastra  a fost mancat de un caine.
  4. Am cumparat o noua pereche de sosete pentru a le inlocui pe cele care s-au pierdut in bagajul meu.
  5. Sper ca nu crezi ca nu ma intereseaza problema ta.
  6. Facea o placinta pentru desert.
  7. Tata a muncit toata ziua.
  8. Patul a fost facut imediat ce m-am sculat.
  9. Sarah nu schiaza si nici nu se da cu rolele.
  10. A adus Matthew cafea?
Exercitii -Te poti verifica- Raspunsuri Corecte!
  1. Jessica is taking John to the airport. Jessica il duce pe John la aeroport.
  2. If he doesn’t arrive on time, he’ll have to take a later flight.
  3. Unfortunately, our dinner has been eaten by the dog.
  4. I have purchased a new pair of shoes to replace the ones that were lost in my luggage.
  5. I hope you don’t think I’m not interested in  your problem.
  6. She was baking a pie for dessert.
  7. Dad has been working hard all day.
  8. The bed was made as soon as I got up.
  9. Sarah doesn’t ski or roller skate.
  10. Did Matthew bring coffee?
Citeste si:  Pronunta corect in Engleza, citind!
Exercitii cu verbele auxiliare in limba Engleza

Completati spatiile libere cu verbul auxiliar corect, la timpul gramatical potrivit:

  1. What ……….. the kids doing when you last saw them? (was, were, are, did, been)
  2. Carla ………  always wanted to try skydiving. (was, doesn’t, has, is, have)
  3. Where …….. you go on your summer vacation? (were, been, are, did, does)
  4. Why do you think she …….. call you like she said she would? (didn’t, is, hasn’t, has been, have)
  5. Maria ……….  going to be upset when she hears what happened. (will, don’t, is, didn’t, has)
  6. Paul………  want to go to the movies; he wants to stay home instead. (doesn’t, isn’t, wasn’t, hasn’t, was not)
  7. I ……… appreciate his jokes. They weren’t funny. (did, have, been, didn’t, haven’t)
  8. I really like fish but I …… care for meat. (weren’t, been, don’t, is, was)
  9. Where ……… you going when I saw you last night? (were, was, is, do, did)
  10. Jane ………  called yet. She’s late as usual. (are, were, has, hasn’t, wouldn’t)

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