Substantivele si Articolul Nehotarat in Engleza

Substantivele Numarabile si Substantivele Nenumarabile in Engleza

Substantivele si articolul nehotarat in Engleza – Lectie de gramatica cu reguli, exceptii si exemple practice. Ce trebuie sa stii?

Substantivele numarabile si substantivele nenumarabile si articolul nehotarat

Cum folosim substantivele numarabile si substantivele nenumarabile cu articolul nehotarat la singular si plural?

Substantivele pot fi numarabile si nenumarabile. Cele numarabile pot fi numarate si accepta articol nehotarat:ex.
an apple – two apples, three apples, etc.

Substantivele nenumarabile nu pot fi numarate si nu accepta articol nehotarat: a sau an ex.
air, rice, water, etc.

Substantivele Numarabile si Articolul nehotarat

In propozitiile afirmative, putem folosi ”a/an” la singular si ”some” la plural.

  • There’s a man at the door. Este un barbat la usa.
  • I have some friends in New York. Am niste prieteni la New York.

In propozitiile negative, folosim ”a/an” la singular si ”any” la plural.

  • I don’t have a dog. Nu am caine.
  • There aren’t any seats. Nu sunt scaune.

Substantive nenumarabile

Exemple de substantive nenumarabile:

  • bread -paine
  • rice – orez
  • coffee – cafea
  • information – informatie/informatii
  • money – bani
  • advice – sfat/sfaturi
  • luggage – bagaj
  • furniture – mobila

Folosim ”some” cu substantivele nenumarabile in propozitii afirmative si ”any” in cele negative.

  • There’s some milk in the fridge. Este niste lapte in frigider.
  • There isn’t any coffee. We need to buy some more. Nu este cafea.
  • We’re running out of coffee. We need to go to the shops to buy some. Mai avem putin cafea trebuie sa mergem la magazin sa cumparam.

Substantivele Numarabile si Substantivele nenumarabile in Intrebari

In intrebari, folosim ”a/an, any” sau ”how many” cu substantivele numarabile:

  • Is there an email address to write to? Exista o adresa de email la care se poate scrie?
    Are there any chairs? Sunt scaune?
    How many chairs are there? Cate scaune sunt?
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Folosim ”any” sau ”how much” cu substantivele nenumarabile.

  • Is there any sugar? Este zahar?
  • How much orange juice is there? Cat suc de portocale mai este?
Some in intrebari

Totusi, atunci cand oferim ceva sau cerem ceva, in mod normal, folosim: ”some

  • Do you want some chocolate?
  • Can we have some more chairs, please?

Deasemenea, folosim ”some” in intrebari atunci cand credem ca raspunsul va fi afirmativ.

  • Have you got some new glasses? Ai niste pahare noi?
Alte expresii de cantitate

A lot of (sau lots of) pot fi folosite atat cu substantive numarabile cat si cu substantive nenumarabile.

  • There are lots of apples on the trees. Sunt multe mere in copaci.
  • There is a lot of snow on the road. Este multa zapada pe drum.

Atentie! Nu folosim in mod normal ”many” sau ”much” in propozitii afirmative. Folosim ”a lot of” in loc.

  • They have a lot of money. Ei au multi bani.

In negative, folosim ”not many” cu substantive numarabile si ”not much” cu substantive nenumarabile.

  • There are a lot of children but there aren’t many adults. Sunt multi copii dar nu sunt multi adulti
    There’s lots of juice but there isn’t much water. Este mult suc dar nu este multa apa.
  • There’s some money on the table. Sunt niste bani pe masa.
  • Have we got any bread? Avem paine?
  • How many chairs do we need? Cate scaune avem nevoie?
  • How much milk have we got? Cat lapte avem?

Hardly +any

Unele cuvinte cu sens negativ sunt urmate de any

  • In London, in the winter, there’s hardly any sunlight. In Londra, nu prea este lumina iarna.
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Exercitii si rezolvari

Mai jos gasesti exercitii pentru a pune in practice si a retine notiunile invatate in cadrul acestei lectii:

Completeaza intrebarile cu: how much or how many!
  1.          lemonade have we got? We’ve got only one bottle.
  2.           bottles of juice are in the fridge? Three.
  3.          money do we have? We have got twenty pounds.
  4.          bananas have we got? We haven’t got any.
  5.          sugar have we got? Enough.
  6.          bread do we need? Two loaves of bread.
  7.          pens are in your bag? Six.
  8.           money have we got? We haven’t got a lot.
  9.           bikes are there in the garden? Two.
  10.           children have they got? Two girls and a boy.
  11.           milk have we got? About one and a half litres.
  12.           bread have we got? We’ve got eight loaves.
  13.           time do you need to finish your homework? An hour.
  14.           friends does she invite to her party? More than 30.
  15.           people work in your father’s company? Seven, I think.
Completeaza intrebarile cu:  much, many si a lot of!
  1. There isn’t      coffee
  2. How        eggs are there?
  3. There are     fish.
  4. Don’t eat too          sweets.
  5. How       is it?
  6. Peter drinks       water.
  7. We didn’t hear        noise.
  8. There aren’t         cars.
  9. She has         books.
  10. There weren’t        animals.
  11. Is there        snow?
  12. There was       smoke.
  13. I haven’t got        shoes.
  14. It has     legs.
  15. They are       older than me.
  16. Did you watch         movies?
  17. I made     mistakes.
  18. For how         nights?
  19. How       owls are there?
  20. I met      friends at the party.
  21. The Chinese eat    rice. There isn’t       rice in this food.
  22. They say there are           birds in the garden but we didn’t see     .
  23. How          money is in that wallet? There are two 20 pound notes.
  24. Don’t you think you’re asking too    questions?
  25. I can’t see      . There’s hardly any light.
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Traduceti corect in Engleza!

  1. Orice student iti poate spune ca nu are prea multi bani.
  2. Vrei niste cafea? As vrea niste ceai verde cu putina miere.
  3. Ti-ar placea sa vezi niste plante exotice in gradina?
  4. Nu aud nici un zgomot. Tu auzi ceva?
  5. A gasit unele dintre cartile de care are nevoie.
  6. Unii dintre prietenii mei sunt casatoriti, unii nu sunt.
  7. Poti sa gasesti bere la orice carciuma but nu toate au cea mai buna.
  8. Imi mai poti da niste suc de portocale? Nu mai avem. Mai avem niste vin.
  9. In tarile nordice nu prea este lumina iarna.
  10. Nu prea mai este paine. Trebuie sa mai cumparam.

Completeaza propozitiile hard or hardly.

1. Your brother            works at all.
2. She really studied             for her exam.
3. I        know this boy over there.
4. He was           able to care for himself.
5. They like          boiled eggs for breakfast.
6. Ann doesn’t like         work.
7. I          remember what we did last winter.
8. It will be           , but I can help you.
9. It’s            to understand why they failed.
10. We       had any influence in this decision.
11. There are           any houses in this area.
12. If you try            you will become a good skier.
13. He           ever goes to football matches.
14. Bob works           , but his brother works.
15. This author is           known by anyone.

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