Prezent Perfect Simplu & Prezent Perfect Continuu

Prezent Perfect Simplu vs Prezent Perfect Continuu

Astazi vorbim despre diferenta dintre Prezent Perfect Simplu si Prezent Perfect Continuu in limba Engleza si facem practica cu cele doua timpuri verbale.

Dupa ce te-ai asigurat ca stii care sunt diferentele, iti recomand sa faci exercitiile de mai jos.

Nimic nu te poate ajuta mai mult sa inteleg gramatica limbii Engleza decat exercitiile si traducerile din limba Romana.

Citeste si:  Like More sau Like Better? Cum este Corect in Engleza?

Diferentele dintre Prezent Perfect Simplu & Prezent Perfect Continuu

Cand ne intereseaza rezultatul si cand ne intereseaza activitatea in sine? Prezent Perfect Simplu si Prezent Perfect Continuu

Prezent perfect simplu de obicei se concentreaza pe rezultatul activitatii iar prezent perfect continuu, de  obicei se concentreaza pe activitatea in sine.

Prezent Perfect Simplu: Ne intereseaza rezultatul

  • You’ve cleaned the bathroom! It looks lovely! Ai facut curatenie in baie. Arata frumos!

Prezent Perfect Simplu: Spune ”cate”

  • She’s read ten books this summer. A citit 10 carti in vara asta. ( Vara nu s-a incheiat.)

Prezent Perfect Simplu: Descrie o actiune completa.

  • I’ve written you an email. Am scris un e-mail.
Prezent Perfect Simplu:  Stari si activitati care ating momentul prezent

Folosim Prezent Perfect Simplu pentru activitati si stari care includ momentul prezent.

  • How long have you known each other? De cand va cunoasteti?
  • We’ve known each other since we were at school. Ne cunoastem de cand eram la scoala.

Prezentul perfect simplu este  general neutru:

  • They’ve waited for hours. Au asteptat ore bune. (Nu accentuez durata de timp).

Prezentul perfect simplu este folosit pentru a vorbi despre: how much ( cat/cata) sau how many (cati/cate). Acest lucru nu este posibil cu Prezentul perfect Continuu.

  • She’s drunk three cups of coffee this morning. A baut 3 cesti de cafea.
  • She’s drunk at least a litre of coffee today. A baut cel putin 1 litru de cafea.
  • I’ve read the book you recommended. Am citit cartea pe care mi-ai recomandat-o. (Am terminat-o, asa ca putem vorbi despre ea.).
  • I’ve eaten dinner, so let’s go out. Am luat cina, asa ca hai sa iesim!
  • She’s done all her work, so she can relax this evening. A facut toata treaba , asa ca se poate relaxa in aceasta seara.
  • I’ve made a cake. Would you like some? Am facut niste tort. Vrei si tu?

Prezent Perfect Continuu: Ne intereseaza activitatea.

  • I’ve been gardening. It’s so nice out there. Am lucrat in gradina. Este atat de frumos afara.

Prezent Perfect Continuu: Ne spune ”cat timp”.

  • She’s been reading that book all day. A citit cartea aceea toata ziua.

Prezent Perfect Continuu: Descrie o activitate care  poate continua:

  • I’ve been writing emails. Am scris e-mailuri.

Prezent Perfect Continuu: Dovezi activitate recenta

Folosim Prezent Perfect Continuu cand vedem dovezi ale activitatii recente:

  • The grass looks wet. Has it been raining? Iarba pare umeda. A plouat?
  • I know, I’m really red. I’ve been running! Stiu ca sunt rosu. Am alergat.
  • ‘ve been reading the book you recommended. (Imi place dar nu am terminat-o.)

Folosim for, since si how long cu Prezent Perfect Continuu pentru a vorbi despre actiuni singure sau repetate

  • How long have they been playing tennis? De cand joaca tenis?
  • They’ve been playing tennis for an hour. Joaca tenis de 1 ora.
  • They’ve been playing tennis every Sunday for years. Joaca tenis in fiecare duminica de ani buni.

Putem folosi Prezent Perfect Continuu pentru a accentua ca o situatie este temporara.

  • She’s been running a lot recently. A alergat mult in ultimul timp. (Nu face asta de obicei).
  • Usually I study at home, but I’ve been studying in the library for the last week. De obicei, invat acasa dar de o saptamana, invat la biblioteca.
Citeste si:  Like More sau Like Better? Cum este Corect in Engleza?

Putem folosi Prezent Perfect Continuu pentru a accentua durata de timp care a trecut.

  • They’ve been waiting for hours! Asteapta de ore bune.

Prezent Perfect Continuu este folosit cand rezultatul vine din actiunea in sine. Nu conteaza daca intreaga actiune este incheiata sau nu. Rezultatul poate fi ceva ce putem vedea, auzi, mirosi, sau simti.

  • I’ve been eating dinner, so there are plates all over the table. Am luat cina deaceea sunt farfurii pe toata masa.
  • I’ve been making a cake, that’s why the kitchen is such a mess. Am facut un tort de aceea bucataria este in dezordine.

Exercitii – Practica si Traducere in Engleza

Exercitiu 1 Puneti verbele din paranteza la timpul verbal corespunzator:
  1. Lucy (run) 2000 metres today.
  2. (they/arrive) already?
  3. I(clean) all morning – I’m fed up!
  4. How long (you/know) Simon?
  5. I (drink) more water recently, and I feel better.
  6. Sorry about the mess! I (bake).
  7. How many times (you/take) this exam?
  8. He (eat) six bars of chocolate today.
  9. She (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!
  10. They (finish) their exams. They’re very happy.
  11. The baby’s face is really dirty. What (he/eat)?
  12. Julie is exhausted these days. She (work) too hard recently.
  13. Luke (never/be) abroad. He (think) about travelling to Italy this summer.
  14. I (wait) three hours already!
  15. How long (you/be) a doctor?
  16. I(read) your book all day. It’s very interesting, but I’m only on chapter 2.
  17. She (drink) ten glasses of water!
  18. I (have) my dog for sixteen years. I (get) him from a friend as a birthday gift.
  19. I (lose) my wallet. How can I get home?
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Exercitiu 1 Raspunsuri Corecte
  1. Lucy has run 2000 metres today.
  2. Have they arrived already?
  3. I ‘ve been cleaning all morning – I’m fed up!
  4. How long have you known Simon?
  5. I’ve been drinking more water recently, and I feel better.
  6. Sorry about the mess! I ‘ve been baking.
  7. How many times have you taken this exam?
  8. He has eaten six bars of chocolate today.
  9. She has cooked dinner. Let’s go and eat!
  10. They have finished their exams. They’re very happy.
  11. The baby’s face is really dirty. What has he been eating?
  12. Julie is exhausted these days. She’s been working too hard recently.
  13. Luke has never been abroad. He’s thinking about travelling to Italy this summer.
  14. I’ve been waiting three hours already!
  15. How long have you been a doctor?
  16. I’ve been reading your book all day. It’s very interesting, but I’m only on chapter 2.
  17. She has drunk ten glasses of water!
  18. I’ve had my dog for sixteen years. I got him from a friend as a birthday gift.
  19. I’ve lost my wallet. How can I get home?

Exercitiu 2.

Pune verbele din paranteza la timpul verbal corespunzator!

Message in bottle arrives after 101 years
German sailors (find) a bottle containing a message on a postcard which was thrown into the Baltic Sea 101 years ago. It is believed that this is the oldest message in a bottle that the world (see). The bottle (suffer) any damage, despite floating in the sea for 101 years, although some of the writing on the postcard inside (become) impossible to read. Experts who (try) to work out what the complete message says say they (succeed) yet, but hope to in the near future. By looking at the address on the postcard, they (identify) its author as Richard Platz, the 20-year-old son of a baker. A handwriting comparison with letters written by Platz (confirm) that he is the author. The researchers (find) his granddaughter, Angela Erdmann, who (live) in Berlin for 40 years. They (present) her with the bottle, which will be displayed in a museum. She says that since the discovery, she (look) through family papers to find out more about her grandfather, who she never met.

Citeste si:  Diferenta Dintre Finish & End in Engleza

Exercitiu 3

Puneti verbele din paranteze  la timpul verbal corespunzator!

  1. I (not/do) the housework yet.
  2. They (study) very hard recently.
  3. She (promise) to help many times.
  4. He (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.
  5. She (write) her essay and (send) it to her professor.
  6. He (see) the film ‘The King’s Speech’ about six times.
  7. She (take) French lessons lately.
  8. We (paint) our living room. I think it looks a lot better.
  9. It (not/rain) for three hours! Only about one hour.
  10. How many times (you/visit) Scotland?
  11. I (call) John for hours and hours and he hasn’t answered. I’m really angry with him!
  12. It’s really smelly in here. (somebody/smoke)?
  13. How much petrol (she/buy)?
  14. She (eat) chocolate all morning, so she feels sick.
  15. I (paint) my house all day, but it’s not finished yet.
  16. He (be) at the office since 6am.
  17. The writer (deserve) this award for a long time.

Exercitiu 3 Raspunsuri Corecte

  1. I haven’t done the housework yet.
  2. They have studied very hard recently.
  3. She has promised to help many times.
  4. He has cleaned the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.
  5. She has written her essay and sent it to her professor.
  6. He has seen the film ‘The King’s Speech’ about six times.
  7. She has been taking French lessons lately.
  8. We have painted our living room. I think it looks a lot better.
  9. It hasn’t been raining for three hours! Only about one hour.
  10. How many times have you visited Scotland?
  11. I’ve been calling John for hours and hours and he hasn’t answered. I’m really angry with him!
  12. It’s really smelly in here. Somebody/has been smoking?
  13. How much petrol has she/ bought?
  14. She has been eating chocolate all morning, so she feels sick.
  15. I’ve been painting my house all day, but it’s not finished yet.
  16. He has been at the office since 6am.
  17. The writer has deserved this award for a long time.
Exercitiu 4
  1. (you/buy) your train ticket yet?
  2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What (the children/do)?
  3. Julie (already/have) lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
  4. She (learn) to drive for six years!
  5. How much coffee (she/drink) this morning?
  6. I (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
  7. (not/rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.
  8. I (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.
  9. He (forget) how to get to my house.
  10. I (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.
  11. David feels great these days. He (get) up early lately.
  12. I (always/hate) rush hour traffic.
  13. Recently, I (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.She (write) this book for months and months.
  14. (I want) to go back to university for a long time.
  15. I (watch) seven films this week!
  16. I’m sorry, I(forget) your name.
  17. I (forget) a lot of things lately. I think I should see a doctor.
Exercitiu 5 Corecteaza greselile!
  1. You’ve never been telling me that before!
  2. He’s been breaking his arm.
  3. They’ve just been going out.
  4. Have you ever been crying at the cinema?
  5. How long have you been owning a mobile phone?
  6. I’m sorry, I’ve been forgetting your name.
  7. Have anyone been injured in the accident?
  8. It hasn’t been raining for months.
Exercitiu 6. Traduceti in Engleza:
  1. Ei locuiesc in London din 2004
  2. Ei locuiesc in London din 2004.
  3. Am studiat Franceza 10 ani.
  4. Studiez Franceza de 10 ani.
  5. Lucreaza la aceasta companie din 2009.
  6. Lucreaza la aceasta companie din 2009.
  7. Ai citit cartea?
  8. Si-a terminat munca deja.
  9. A inceput concertul deja?
  10. Ei se cunosc de mult timp.
  11. Am tot auzit niste zgomote ciudate care vin de afara.
  12. Lucreaza pentru firma de cand era adolescent.
  13. Ei invata Engleza din liceu.
  14. Joc tenis de aproape o viata. Am jucat tenis aproape toata viata mea.
  15. A citit cartea despre JFK. (cartea este terminata)
  16. A citit cartea despre JFK. (inca citeste cartea, nu este terminata)
  17. A luat medicamentul. (actiune completa.)
  18. Ia medicamentul. ( de ceva vreme, inca il ia)
  19. Sotia ta te-a sunat. ( probabil doar o data)
  20. Sotia ta a tot sunat. ( de mai multe ori.)
  21. A vazut el masina trecand in fiecare zi?
  22. Stii daca a sunat Peter?
  23. Managerul meu nu va fi multumit pentru ca nu am terminat raportul.
  24. Ai trimis e-mailul inca?
  25. Suntem foarte obositi. Conducem de la 4 dimineata.
  26. De cand studiezi Engleza?
  27. Nu a venit autobuzul. Astept aici de o vesnicie.
  28. Am ascultat albumul foarte mult de cand l-am descarcat.
  29. Exersez piesa asta de saptamani dar nu am invatat-o inca.
  30. Am facut 3 teste in semestrul asta.
  31. Am vazut acel spectacol de 3 ori.
  32. Lucrez la acest proiect de acum o luna. Trebuie sa-l terin pana la sfarsitul saptamanii.
  33. Incerc sa-l contactez de dimineata.
  34. Ai aflat? Tom si-a pierdut locul de munca.
  35.  Primul ministru a demisionat.
Citeste si:  Exercitii cu Prezent Perfect In Engleza
Exercitiu 6. Traduceti in Engleza: Raspunsuri Prezent Perfect Simplu si Prezent Perfect Continuu
  1. They’ve lived in London since 2004.
  2. They’ve been living in London since 2004.
  3. I’ve studied French for ten years.
  4. I’ve been studying French for ten years.
  5. He’s worked at the company since 2009.
  6. He’s been working at our company since 2009.
  7. Have you read the book yet?
  8. She’s finished her work already.
  9. Has the concert started already?
  10. They haven’t known each other for very long.
  11. I’ve been hearing some strange noises coming from outside.
  12. He’s been working for the company since he was a teenager.
  13. They’ve been studying English since high school.
  14. I’ve been playing tennis most of my life. I’ve played tennis most of my life.
  15. He’s read the book about JFK (the book is finished)
  16. He’s been reading the book about JFK (the book’s still being read)
  17. She’s taken the medicine (referring to one completed action)
  18. She’s been taking the medicine (referring to medicine that is being taken over a period of time)
  19. Your wife has phoned you (may have been only once)
  20. Your wife has been phoning you – (she has rung several or many times)
  21. He’s seen the car go past every day
  22. Do you know if Peter has called?
  23. My manager won’t be pleased because I still haven’t finished the report.
  24. Have you sent that email yet?
  25. We’re really tired. We’ve been driving since 4 o’clock this morning.
  26. How long have you been studying English?
  27. The bus hasn’t come. I’ve been waiting here for ages.
  28. I’ve listened/been listening to the new album a lot since I downloaded it.
  29. I’ve been practising this piece for weeks but still haven’t learned it.
  30. I’ve done three tests this term.
  31. We’ve seen that show three times.
  32. I’ve been working on this project for a month now. I need to finish it by the end of the week.
  33. We’ve seen that show three times.
  34. I’ve been trying to contact him all morning.
  35. Have you heard? Tom’s lost his job.
  36. The Prime Minister has resigned.

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