12 cazuri cand folosim prepozitia Of in limba Engleza
Prepozitia Of este unul dintre cele mai folosite cuvinte din limba Engleza, alaturi de articolul hotarat si nehotarat. Pe langa alte prepozitii care arata o anumita relatie cu celelalte cuvinte, ”Of” este foarte importanta pentru a ne exprima corect in limba Engleza.
Modul in care aceasta prepozitie, atat de comuna din Engleza este folosita, tine de continutul si relatia dintre cuvinte.
Cele mai importante situatii cand folosim ”Of”
Iti poti da seama de ”pattern” (model), folosind prepozitia Of in exemple practice. Ti-am pregatit mai jos, cele mai importante situatii cand folosim ”Of” ca propozitie, in limba Engleza:
Exprima continutul
Folosim prepozitia ”Of” pentru ca arata legatura dintre doua cuvinte, faptul ca ceva apartine cuiva ce are legatura cu altceva, in cadrul aceleiasi propozitii. Ex.
- the secret of this game – secretul jocului ( Exista un secret care este parte din joc.)
- the first page of the book – prima pagina a cartii ( Pagina este parte din carte.)
- the colours of the rainbow – culorile curcubeului ( Culorile sunt parte din curcubeu.-The colours are part of the rainbow.)
- a member of the team – un membru al echipei ( Member – Part of the team.)
Of exprima apartenenta
Putem exprima posesia cand este vorba de obiecte dar si persoane, in anumite cazuri. De obicei, cu persoane, folosim ” ‘s” pentru a arata ca ceva apartine unei persoane.
- This is a picture of my family. Aceasta este o poza a familiei mele. ( cu familia mea)
- The house of my father is really close to the beach. Casa tatalui meu este aproape de plaja.
Desi exemplul de mai sus este corect gramatical, este recomandata folosirea genitivului, exprimat cu ‘s.
- My father‘s house is really close to the beach. Casa tatalui meu este aproape de plaja.
Cand vreau sau exprim posesia si am deja un genitiv cu ‘s.
- That’s the bag of my friend’s sister. Acea este geanta prietenei sorei mele.
Numar, cantitate + Of
Putem exprima numarul, cantitatea si suma folosind prepozitia Of, cu ajutorul expresiilor:
a number of, a couple of, a minority of, a majority of, hours, minutes of, seconds of
- A number of stars have been discovered recently. Un numar de stele a fost descoperit recent.
- I drank three cups of oat milk at breakfast. Am baut 3 cani de lapte de capra.
- A large number of people gathered to protest. Multi oameni s-au adunat sa protesteze.
- I had only two/ a couple of hours of sleep. Am dormit doar 2 ore ( 2 ore de somn).
- He got a perfect score of 10 on his writing assignment. A primit 10 la lucrarea scrisa.
- 15 minutes of meditation can help you during the day. 15 minute de meditatie te pot ajuta pe timpul zilei.
- I got a discount of 10 percent on the purchase. Am primit un discount de 10% la achizitionare.
Cu expresii: Lots of/a lot of A great deal of
- Lots of people meet here for the first time. Multi oameni se intalnesc aici pentru prima data.
- He eats a lot of food during this intensive training. Consuma multa mancare in timpul antrenamentului intensiv.
- I have found lots of interesting new words in that book. Am gasit multe cuvinte noi in acea carte.
Pot exprima caracteristici, aspect, calitati
Folosim ”Of” cand vorbim despre anumite caracteristici, aspecte sau calitati:
- We were impressed by the size of the building. Am fost impresionati de marimea acelei cladiri.
- I love the colours of the rainbow. Imi plac foarte mult culorile curcubeului.
- I don’t remember the name of the street. Nu imi amintesc numele strazii.
- I remember the smell of grass in that garden. Imi amintesc de mirosul ierbii din acea gradina.
Folosim ”Of” pentru a exprima un anume lucru care are legatura cu ceva mai general:
- I had a feeling of duty towards him. Aveam sentimentul datoriei fata de el.
- She seemed to like the idea of having children. Parea sa ii placa ideea de a avea copii.
- That was the month of June. Era in luna Iunie.
- The Coloseum was built in the city of Rome. Coloseumul a fost construit in cetatea Romei.
- My cousin has the annoying habit of questioning
- everything I say. Varul meu are obiceiul enervant de a pune la indoiala to ce zic.
Varsta, cantitatea sau valoarea cu Of
Exprimam varsta, cantitatea si valoarea ceva sau cineva folosind Of:
- She met Charles at the age of 20. L-a intalnit pe Charles la varsta de 20 de ani.
- She was a young girl of no more than 14. Era o fata de nu mai mult de 14 ani.
- My sister earns a salary of fifty thousand pounds a year. Sora mea castiga un salariu de 50000 de lire pe an.
- Teachers have been asking for a pay rise of 10 per cent. Profesorii au cerut o marirea de 10% a salariului.
- I got married in the summer of 2000. M-am casatorit in vara anului 2000.
Arata cine sau ce face actiunea
”Of” este folosit cu substantive pentru a exprima actiuni care spun cine sau ce anuma face actiunea:
- One could hear shouts of really angry protesters. Se auzeau strigatele protestatarilor suparati.
- This is clearly the work of more than one person. Este clar ca este lucrarea a mai multor persoane.
- They were there at the arrival of our train. Erau acolo la sosirea trenului nostru.
Continutul, partea sau relatia dintre obiecte
Poti folosi ”of” pentru a arata continutul, partea sau legatura dintre obiecte:
- The leg of the chair is broken. Piciorul scaunului este rupt.
- She is a friend of mine. Este un/o prieten/a de-ai mei/de-ale mele.
- There’s nothing like the love of a mother for her child. Nu este nimic la fel dragostea unei mame pentru copilul ei.
- He’s the manager of the company. Este managerul companiei.
Cand vorbim despre toate lucrarile pe care un pictor le-a pictat, un scriitor le-a scris sau un sculptor le-a sculptat
- The paintings of Van Gogh . picturile lui Van Gogh
- The work of William Shakespeare. (opera lui William Shakespeare)
Cand vorbim despre originea cuiva:
- A man of Romanian descent (un barbat cu descendenta romaneasca)
- The people of Ireland ( poporul Irlandez, Irlandezii)
”Of” este folosit impreuna cu pronume si adverbe de cantitate:
most of, many of, much of, a few of, a little bit of, one of, two of, both (of), some of, any of
- All of the students enjoy these classes. (Talking about a specific group of students.)Tuturor studentilor le plac orele.
- Many of the stores in town will be closed on the holiday. Multe dintre magazine vor fi inchise de sarbatori.
Prepozitia Of folosita impreuna cu adjective:

Adjectiv impreuna cu Of
Unele adjective care provin din verbe. Acestea se folosesc cu of pentru ca isi pastreaza aceasta prepozitie si ca adjective.
- Accused of – acuzat de
She has been accused of theft. A fost acuzat/a de furt.
Afraid of – speriat de
- What are you afraid of? De ce iti este teama?
- Are you afraid of spiders?
Ashamed of – rusinat de
He is not ashamed of what he did then. Ii este rusine de ce a facut atunci.
Aware of – constient de
Are you aware of the risks of the job? Esti constient de riscurile slujbei?
Capable of – capabil sa
You are capable of anything as long as you believe it. (Esti capabil de orice.) Poti face orice atat timp cat crezi.
Clever of – istet, destept
How clever of you to think of that? Ce destept ai fost ca te-ai gandit la asta?
Certain of – sigur de
He was quite certain of certain things.
Conscious of – constient de
She’s very conscious of the risks involved but she’s very brave.
Fond of -pasionat de
In time, he grew quite fond of her and asked her to marry him.
Free of – liber de
It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain.
Generous of – generos din partea lui
It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both.
Frightened of – speriat de
What are you frightened of?
Full of – plin de
His bookshelf is full of books.
Guilty of – vinovat de
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence.
Hopeful of – sperand ca
She is hopeful of returning to work soon.
Innocent of – nevinovat de
She is innocent of any wrongdoing.
Envious of -invidios pe
They were envious of his success.
Jealous of – gelos pe
She’s jealous of my success.
Made of – facut din
The house was made of wood with an iron roof.
Nervous of – nervos/ emotionat
He had been nervous of inviting us.
Nice of – frumos din partea
It was nice of you to bring her a present on her birthday.
Proud of – mandru de
His father was proud of him for not giving up.
Rid of – scapa de
They got rid of that old car a soon as they arrived.
Scared of
She is scared of going out alone.
Selfish of – egoist din partea
It’s very selfish of him to just expect his wife to do all the childcare.
Sick of – naiv din partea
I’m sick of the way you’ve treated me all this time.
Silly of
How silly of me to expect them to help us!
Suspicious of – suspicios pe
They became suspicious of his strange behaviour and called the police.
Sure of – sigur de
I hope you are sure of what you are saying.
Stupid of- stupid
It’s stupid of her to go out there all by herself.
Tired of- obosit/ satul de
I’m sick and tired of all these stupid arguments.
True of -adevarat
Parents of young children often become depressed, and this is especially true of single mums.
Typical of – tipic
This kind of hot and spicy food is very typical of the food in India.
Unkind of – neplacut
It was unkind of her to take his toys away.
Clever of -destept
How clever of you to buy chocolate cakes – they’re my favorite dessert.
Substantive urmate de of
In charge of – avand responsabilitatea de a
- We are in charge of the party arrangements.
In danger of – In pericol de
- You are in danger of being robbed.
In favor of -in favoarea
- He is in favor of the new law.
Kind of – un fel de
- A crane is a kind of bird with very long legs and neck.
the idea of – idea de a
- I like the idea ofworking with her.
Verbe cu prepozitia Of
Of urmeaza dupa anumite verbe si expresii verbale in limba Engleza.
Iata cele mai importante verbe si expresii verbale care sunt urmate de prepozitia of:
- The dog died of old age. Cainele a murit de batranete. ( Of arata cauza. Folosim ”From” cu bolile)
- I don’t approve of killing or torturing animals. Nu sunt de acord cu uciderea sau torturarea animalelor.
- The soap smell of roses. Sapunul miroase a trandafiri.
- The man was accused of stealing. Barbatul a fost acuzat de furt.
- I dream of a clean planet and happy people. Visez la o planeta curata si la oameni fericiti.
- I’ve heard of new students coming in. Am aflat ca vin de studenti noi.
- Pizza consists of bread, cheese, tomato sauce and vegetables. Pizza este facuta din paine, branza, sos de tomate si legume.
- Take care of my fish while I’m away! Ai grija de pestele meu cat sunt plecat/a!
- Don’t think of failure! Focus on success! Nu te gandi la esec! Concentreaza-te pe succes!
- He got out of the house quickly. A iesit din casa repede!
- They got rid of the getaway car after the robbery. Au scapat de masina cu care au fugit dupa jaf.
- They made fun of the situation. Au facut haz de situatie.
- We have run out of bread. Nu mai avem paine. ( Ni s-a terminat painea!)
Multumim! Ne bucuram ca articol este de ajutor. Va recomandam sa va abonati si pe You Tube la canalele noastre ”Clubul de Engleza” si ”Clubul de Engleza Shorts”!