Exercitii cu Pluralul Substantivelor in Engleza
Astazi, facem exercitii cu pluralul substantivelor in Engleza, in special cu formele neregulate de plural ale acestora.
Tot ce trebuie sa faci pentru a le invata, este sa faci exercitii.
Inainte de a face exercitiile, citeste lectia despre pluralul substantivelor pe care o gasesti aici: Pluralul Substantivelor!
Exercitii cu pluralul substantivelor
Pentru inceput, traducem din limba Romana in limba Engleza, folosind formele corecte de plural ale substantivelor.
1.Traduceti in Engleza aceste propozitii, acordand o atentie deosebita formelor de plural ale substantivelor:
- Aceste persoane protesteaza impotriva presedintelui.
- Femeile de acolo vor sa-l intalneasca pe manager.
- Copiii mei urasc sa manance paste.
- Ma dor picioarele. Trebuie sa ma opresc 10 minute.
- Musulmanii scrifica oi, intr-o celebrare religioasa, numita kita Eid Al Adha.
- Imi curat dintii de 3 ori pe zi.
- Barbatii fac exact asta chiar acum.
- Pestii pe care i-am cumparat, sunt in frigider.
- Ei trimit niste barbati sa repare acoperisul.
- Cele mai multe dintre femeile casnice lucreaza acasa, mai mult de 8 ore pe zi.
- Caut cutitele. Unde le-ai pus? Sunt pe rafturi. Le-am pus pe rafturi ieri.
- Gastelor le plac apa. Gastele pot sa zboare si sa inoate.
- Pianele sunt scumpe. Nu toata lumea isi permite sa cumpere piane.
- Niste politisti au venit sa il aresteze.
- Unde sunt bagajele mele? In masina. Ma duc la masina sa iau bagajele.
2. Traduceti in Engleza aceste propozitii, acordand o atentie deosebita formelor de plural ale substantivelor:
- Batranii isi petrec majoritatea timpului uitandu-se la trecatori.
- Permite acest hotel check-in-uri mai devreme?
- Asociatia a plantat niste meri.
- Relatia dintre femei si soacrele lor poate fi dificila uneori.
- Sunt magazine de pantofi in apropiere?
- Ia doua linguri de miere inainte de culcare!
- Coboara dupa doua statii!
- A cumparat doua cutii de scule acum doua zile.
3. Traduceti corect in Engleza:
- Vestile sunt proaste. Vestea este proasta.
- Este distractiv sa te uiti la gimnastica.
- Se spune ca Economia este dificila.
- Bagajul tau este greu.
- As vrea sa cumpar mobila noua pentru casa.
- Poti gasi mai multe informatii pe site-ul nostru.
4. Scrieti forma corecta de plural:
- city –
- boy –
- family –
- life –
- photo –
- phone –
- sandwich –
- nurse –
- elf –
- phenomenon –
- criterion –
- village –
- city –
- house –
- window –
- box –
- lorry –
- potato –
- knife –
- snake –
- window –
- lorry –
- knife –
- auto –
- kangaroo –
- kilo –
- memo –
- photo –
- piano –
- solo –
- soprano –
- studio –
- tattoo –
- video –
- zoo –
- buffalo –
- cargo –
- halo –
- mosquito –
- motto –
- tornado –
- volcano –
- zero –
- luggage –
- information –
- news –
- grown-up-
- taxi driver –
- spoonful –
- check-in –
- passer-by –
- mother-in-law –
- water bottle –
- bus stop
- handful –
Exercitii – Solutii si Raspunsuri
1. Exercitii cu pluralul substantivelor- raspunsuri corecte
- These people are protesting against the president.
- The women over there want to meet the manager.
- My children hate eating pasta.
- My feet hurt. I need to stop for 10 minutes.
- Muslims sacrifice sheep in a religious celebration called Eid Al Adha.
- I clean my teeth three times a day.
- The men are doing exactly that right now.
- The fish I bought is in the fridge.
- They are sending some men to fix the roof.
- Most housewives work more than ten hours a day at home.
- I’m looking for the knives. Where did you put them ? They’re on the shelves. I put them on the shelves yesterday.
- Geese like water. Geese can fly and swim.
- Pianos are expensive. Not everyone can afford buying pianos.
- Some policemen came to arrest him.
- Where is my luggage? In the car! I’m going to the car to get the luggage.
2. Exercitii cu pluralul substantivelor- raspunsuri corecte
- The elderly spend most of their time looking at the passers-by.
- Does this hotel allow early check-ins?
- The association planted some apple trees.
- The relationship between women and their mothers-in-law can be difficult sometimes.
- Are there any shoe shops nearby?
- Take two spoonfuls/spoonsful of honey before you go to bed.
- Get off after two bus stops.
- She bought two tool boxes 2 days ago.
Forma corecta de plural: raspunsuri
- city – cities
- boy – boys
- family – families
- life – lives
- photo – photos
- phone – phones.
- sandwich – sandwiches
- nurse – nurses
- elf – elves
- phenomenon – phenomena
- criterion – criteria
- village – villagestoy – toys
- city – cities
- house – houses
- window – windows
- box – boxes
- lorry – lorries
- potato – potatoes
- knife – knives
- snake snakes
- window – windows
- lorry – lorries
- knife – knives
- auto – autos
- kangaroo – kangaroos
- kilo – kilos
- memo – memos
- photo – photos
- piano – pianos
- solo – solos
- soprano – sopranos/es
- studio – studios
- tattoo – tattos
- video – videos
- zoo – zoos
- buffalo – buffaloes
- cargo – cargos/es
- halo – halos/es
- mosquito – mosquitos/es
- motto – motos/es
- tornado – tornadoes
- volcano – volcanoes
- zero – zeroes
- luggage – luggage
- information – information
- news – news
- grown-up- grown-ups
- taxi driver – taxi drivers
- spoonful – spoonful
- check-in – check-ins
- passer-by – passers-by
- mother-in-law – mothers-in-law
- water bottle – water bottles
- bus stop – bus stops
- handful – handfuls
Cum scriem substantivele la plural? Pluralul Substantivelor in Engleza
Cele mai multe substantive isi formeaza pluralul prin adaugarea unui „s” la finalul cuvantului.
- un sarpe – doi serpi 1 snake = 2 snakes
- o fata – doua fete 1 girl = 2 girls
- o fereastra – doua ferestre 1 window = 2 windows
Substantivele care se termina in -ch, x, s, z sau s, primesc -es la plural:
- vrajitoare witch = witches
- cutie box = boxes
- gaz gas = gases
- autobuz bus = buses
- sarut kiss = kisses
Substantive care se termina in vocala + y primesc -s:
- baiat boy = boys
- tray = trays
- cale tava way = ways
Substantivele care se termina in + y pierd -y si primesc +ies:
- bebelus baby – babies
- camion lorry – lorries
- tara country – countries
- oras city – cities
- doamna lady – ladies
Multe substantive care se termina in -o primesc -es la plural:
La substantivele care se termina in o: o devine -oes
- ecou – echo – echoes
- embargo – embargo – embargoes
- erou – hero – heroes
- cartof – potato – potatoes
- rosie – tomato – tomatoes
- torpila – torpedo – torpedoes
- veto – veto – vetoes
Unele substantivele care se termina in ”o” primes: ”os” la plural : o devine -os
- auto – autos
- kangaroo – kangaroos
- kilo – kilos
- memo – memos
- photo – photos
- piano – pianos
- solo – solos
- soprano – sopranos
- studio – studios
- tattoo – tattoos
- video – videos
- zoo – zoos
Alte substantivele care se termina in: o primesc os sau oes la plural: o devine os sau oes
- buffalo – buffalos/buffaloes
- cargo – cargos/cargoes
- halo – halos/haloes
- mosquito – mosquitos/mosquitoes
- motto – mottos/mottoes
- no – nos/noes
- tornado – tornados/tornadoes
- volcano – volcanos/volcanoes
- zero – zeros/zeroes
Substantivele care se termina in: f sau fe de obicei schimba f in v si adauga s sau -es.
- doua sau mai multe cutite knife = knives
- doua sau mai multe frunze leaf = leaves
- doua sau mai multe potcoave hoof = hooves
- doua sau mai multe vieti life = lives
- sine la plural self = selves
- doi sau mai multi elfi elf = elves
Forme de plural neregulate:
- fish fish – peste pesti
- sheep sheep – oaie oi
- foot feet – picior picioare
- tooth teeth – dinte dinti
- goose geese – gasca gaste
- tooth teeth – dinte dinti
- child children – copil copii
- man men – barbat barbati
- woman women – femeie femei
- person people – persoana persoane
- deer = deer caprioara caprioare
Substantive care au intodeauna forma de singular – Pluralul Substantivelor in Engleza
- bagaj, bagaj – luggage,
- mobila – funiture,
- informatie, informatii – information
Substantive – Doar Forme de Plural
Sunt substantive care au intotdeauna forma de plural:
- News, Scissors, Trousers, Pants, Clothes, Goggles, Riches, Gymnastics, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics
- Vestile sunt proaste. Vestea este proasta. The news is bad.
- Este distractiv sa te uiti la gimnastica. Gymnastics is fun to watch.
- Se spune ca Economia este dificila. Economics/mathematics/statistics is said to be difficult.
- Bagajul tau este atat de greu. Your luggage / baggage is so heavy.
- As vrea sa cumpar mobila noua pentru casa. I’d like to buy new furniture for the house
- You can find more information in our website. Poti gasi mai multe informatii pe site-ul nostru.
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