Greseli Frecvente in Engleza

Care sunt cele mai frecvente Greseli facute in Engleza?

Sunt mai multe greseli frecvente in Engleza pe care le poti evita daca faci aceste exercitii. Poti invata Engleza din greselile tale dar o poti invata si din greselile altora.

A gasi varianta corecta este un exercitiu bun pentru a invata limba Engleza.

Greseli frecvente in Engleza
Greseli frecvente in Engleza

NU spune asta in Engleza! Alege varianta corecta!

Cum este corect? Niciunul nu a venit.

  1. Both did not come. Incorect
    Neither came. Corect.
Niciunul nu a trecut testul.
  1. Both of them did not pass the test. Incorect
    Neither of them passed the test. Corect. 
  • Each of these girls sing very well. Incorect
    Each of these girls sings very well. Corect. Fiecare dintre aceste fete canta foarte bine.
  • We all did not go. Incorect
    None of us went. Corect. Niciunul dintre noi nu a mers.
  • We all had not been invited.
    None of us had been invited. Corect. Niciunul dintre noi nu a fost invitat.
  • One should love his country. Incorect
    One should love one’s country. Corect. Ar trebui sa iti iubesti/ne iubim tara. (se foloseste persoana a 3 a in Engleza.)
  • ‘Have you got a pencil?’ ‘No, I haven’t got.’ Incorect
    ‘Have you got a pencil?’ ‘No, I haven’t got one.’ / ‘No, I don’t have one’. Corect. Ai un pix? Nu, nu am.
  • ‘Is he at home?’ ‘Yes, I think.’  Incorect
    ‘Is he at home?’ ‘Yes, I think so.’ Corect. Este acasa? Cred ca da.

Alte greseli pe care sa le eviti in Engleza

  • We enjoyed during the holidays. Incorect
    We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays. Corect. Ne-am distrat in timpul sarbatorilor.
  • The boy who works hard he will get the prize. Incorect
    The boy who works hard will get the prize. Corect. Baiatul care munceste din greu/mult castiga premiul.
    Whoever works hard will get the prize.
  • The Chinese is a difficult language. Incorect
  • Chinese is a difficult language. Corect. Nu folosim articolul hotarat the cu limbile straine.
Citeste si:  Diferenta Dintre Why si What for

Greseli legate de timpul verbal in Engleza

  • He is waiting for you from 10 o’clock.
    He has been waiting for you since 10 o’clock. Corect. Te asteapta de la ora 10.
  • This man is sitting here for the last two hours.
    This man has been sitting here for the last two hours. Corect. Barbatul acesta sta aici de 2 ore.
  • We are staying here since 1980.
    We have been staying here since 1980. Corect. Stam aici din 1980.
  • I am going to school by bus.
    I go to school by us. Corect. Merg la scoala cu autobuzul. (Cea mai folosita: I get the bus to school.)
  • We are playing tennis every day.
    We play tennis every day. Corect. Jucam tenis in fiecare zi.

Greseli de vocabular in Engleza

  • I said him to go.
    I told him to go. Corect. I-am spus sa se duca.
  •  She told that she would be coming.
    She said that she would be coming. Corect. A spus ca va veni.
  • They discussed about the whole matter.
    They discussed the whole matter. Corect. Au discutat desprea intreaga chestiune.
  •  I hope yes. Sper ca da. Corect. I hope so.
  • Sper ca nu. I don’t hope so. Corect I hope not.

Exercise – Propozitiile de mai jos contin greseli.

1. Neither Jack is intelligent nor hardworking.

2. Though he is fat but he runs fast.

3. As he is fat so he runs slowly.

4. Unless you do not apologize, you will not be admitted to class.

Citeste si:  Diferenta dintre Small si Little - lectie de vocabular

5. Hardly the sun had risen when we set out.

6. Not only she speaks English but also Chinese.

7. This is my house, I live here.

Exercitii – Raspunsuri.

Incorrect: Both did not come.
Correct: Neither came.

Incorrect: Both of them did not pass the test.
Correct: Neither of them passed the test.

In propozitii negative, folosim: ‘’neither’’ nu ”both”.

Incorrect: Each of these girls sing very well.
Correct: Each of these girls sings very well.


Each si every se folosesc cu verbul la singular.

Incorrect: We all did not go.
Correct: None of us went.

Incorrect: We all had not been invited.
Correct: None of us had been invited.

Incorrect: One should love his country.
Correct: One should love one’s country.

Incorrect: ‘Have you got a pencil?’ ‘No, I haven’t got.’
Correct: ‘Have you got a pencil?’ ‘No, I haven’t got one.’ / ‘No, I don’t have one’.

Explicatie Gramatica Engleza

Have este verb tranzitiv. Are nevoie de obiect pentru a avea sens.

Incorrect: ‘Is he at home?’ ‘Yes, I think.’
Correct: ‘Is he at home?’ ‘Yes, I think so.’

Incorrect: We enjoyed during the holidays.
Correct: We enjoyed ourselves during the holidays.

Enjoy este verb transitiv. Are nevoie de obiect dupa el.

Incorrect: The boy who works hard he will get the prize.
Correct: The boy who works hard will get the prize.
Correct: Whoever works hard will get the prize.

Incorrect: He is waiting for you from 10 o’clock.
Correct: He has been waiting for you since 10 o’clock.

Incorrect: This man is sitting here for the last two hours.
Correct: This man has been sitting here for the last two hours.

Incorrect: We are staying here since 1980.
Correct: We have been staying here since 1980.

Citeste si:  Diferenta dintre Advice si Advise in limba Engleza

Incorrect: I am going to school by bus.
Correct: I go to school by us.

Incorrect: We are playing tennis every day.
Correct: We play tennis every day.


Folosim prezentul simplu pentru actiune care se repeta, obiceiuri, rutina etc. Prezentul continuu se foloseste cu actiuni care au loc in prezent.

Incorrect: I said him to go.
Correct: I told him to go.

Incorrect: She told that she would be coming.
Correct: She said that she would be coming.


Folosim ”tell” cu obiect (complement direct). Verbul ”say” poate fi folosit si singur.

Incorrect: They discussed about the whole matter.
Correct: They discussed the whole matter.

Exercitiu 2 – Raspunsuri Corecte

1. Jack is neither intelligent nor hardworking. Jack nu este nici inteligent nici harnic.

2. Though he is fat, he runs fast. sau He is fat, but he runs fast. Desi este gras, alearga repede. Este gras dar alearga repede.

3. As he is fat he runs slowly. sau He is fast so he runs slowly. Deoarece este gras, alearga incet.

4. Unless you apologize, you will not be admitted to class. sau If you do not apologize you will not be admitted to class.

5. Hardly had the sun risen when we set out. sau The sun had hardly risen when we set out.

6. She speaks not only English but also Chinese.

7. This is my house where I live. sau This is my house. I live here.

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