Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza

Cum sa folosesti Gerunziu si Infinitivul in limba Engleza?

Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza sunt doua forme utilizat tot timpul in conversatia zilnic dar si in vorbirea formala si in scris. Ele se folosesc dupa verbele principale si pot schimba intelesul intregii propozitiei.

Ce este Gerunziul in limba Engleza?

Multi pot confunda Gerunziul pentru ca are aceeasi forma ca si alte verbe la forma ing.

Gerunziu are forma ING adica verb + ing dar se comporta ca un substantiv in propozitie.

Verbul la infinitiv scurt, fara ”To”, primeste terminatia ”ing”, exact ca si in cazul participiului prezent de la actiunile in progres.

De exemplu, eat se schimba in eating, write se schimba in writing, drink se schimba in drinking. Regulile legate de adaugarea terminatien ing sunt aceleasi ca si la formarea timpurilor care exprima actiuni in progres.

Study- studying, live- living, cut- cutting

Cum poti deosebi o forma de Gerunziu de alte forme de verb care se termina in ing?

Desi sunt verbe, formele de Gerunziu se comporta ca si substantivele. Ele pot avea functie de subiect si complement in propozitii.
Iti poti aminti de faptul ca sunt substantive atunci cand nu esti sigur/a ca ai de a face cu o forma de Gerunziu.

Deasemenea, sensul pe care il au in propozitii, ne poate ajuta sa ne dam seama care sunt formele de Gerunziu.

Poate te intrebi de ce este important sa stiu care este Gerunziu si care este Participiul prezent?

Pai este important, pentru ca in functie de asta se poate schimba sensul unei propozitii.

Ce este Participiul Prezent?

Participiul Prezent intra in compozitia timpurilor Continue din gramatica limbii Engleze. Asta inseamna ca atunci cand vrea sa spun ca o propozitie este in progres, folosesc participiul Prezent. Ex.

  • I’m going to work now.

”Going” este participiu prezent aici pentru ca intra in compunerea verbului impreuna cu auxiliarul To be. De altfel, prezenta auxiliarului To be ne ajuta sa ne dam seama ca avem de a face cu un participiu prezent si nu un Gerunziu.

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Cum deosebim Gerunziul de participiul prezent?

Problema e faptul si ca participiul prezent are forma verb+ing.

  • I am doing my job. ”Doing” is an ing form of the verb, as well.

Cum le deosebim? Usor, pentru ca participiu prezent se foloseste la actiuni in progres. Ne referm in special la Present Continuous, Past Continuous etc.

  • It is raining now. It started about an hour ago.

Compara cu:

  • It has started raining again.

Poate fi uneori, confundat participiul prezent cu Gerunziul atunci cand primul poate fi folosit fara subiect cand apare intr-o propozitie subordonata cu alta propozitie principala cu actiune in progres.

Sometimes a continuous action can be expressed by a verb without a subject.
We know that is is not a gerund because these actions are used with words such as: while or when.

  • While cleaning my room, I found an old book. We can use a subject and say :
    While I was cleaning my room I found an old book.

Gerund poate fi folosit ca subiect intr-o propozitie. ex.

  • Reading is relaxing.
  • Listening to music makes me feel good.

Gerund poate fi folosit ca obiect intr-o propozitie:

  • I love flying above the clouds.

Gerunds poate fi obiect cu prepositii:

  • Her love for reading was immense.
    By reading a lot, we can understand the world better.
    After graduating, I decided to get a job.
    They are planning on starting a new business.
    She gets quite nervous about speaking in public.
    He is very good at writing.

Some verbs are followed by gerunds as objects.


  • His big fear is flying in a helicopter.
    He is afraid of flying in a helicopter.

Some verbs are normally followed by the -ing form, not the to-infinitive:

  • I always enjoy painting.
    We haven’t finished eating yet.
    She suggested going for a walk.
    My neighbour keeps talking about her problems.
    I don’t mind waiting if you’re busy.

Verbe care sunt urmate de Gerunziu

can’t stand, dislike, imagine, involve, mind, miss, put off and risk can be used with the Gerund.

  • I can’t stand peple talking loudly in public libraries.
  • I can’t risk them going there during this time of crisis.
  • She misses walking barefoot on the grass.
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Daca subiectul este provenit din pronume, acesta va avea formele (me, you, him, her, us, them):

  • I can’t imagine Jane singing in a restaurant.
    I can’t imagine him singing in a restaurant.

Other verbs in this group include avoid, can’t help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, like, love, miss, practise and suggest.

  • They want to avoid meeting them there.

Expresii verbale cu Gerunziu

Gerunziu este folosit in expresii verbale speciale:

to be busy

She is busy cooking for her family.
don’t mind

I don’t mind cleaning the room myself.

feel like

We feel like having a cup of tea.

how about

How about walking to work instead of taking the bus?

it’s (no) good

It’s no good talking to these people.

it’s no use

It’s no use telling them about what happened last night.
spend one’s time

They spend their time reading books.

there’s no

There’s no cheating and stealing in this house.

there’s no point

There’s no point in dealing with these people.

what about

What about going to a restaurant tonight?


This book is worth reading.

Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza – Phrasal verbs

Putem folosi Gerunziul dupa verbe cu prepozitie:

  • We have to put off going out as we are very busy doing our work.
  • Never give up helping others!

Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza

  • What do you love doing?
    Do you like going to the beach?
  • Do you enjoy reading books?
    Do you find writing in English helpful?
  • Is listening to music relaxing for you? What about singing?
  • Do you like dancing? Do you like to dance?

Gerunziu si infinitivul – invata limba Engleza!

Atat Gerunziul cat si Infinitivul sunt forme gramaticale foarte des foflosite in limba Engleza. Acestea se folosesc in multe situatii.

Uneori, ai de ales intre a folosi unul dintre cele doua pentur ca folosirea celuilalt poate schimba complet sensul propozitiei. Ti se pare greu, pana aici?

Cum stii cand sa folosesti gerunziul si cand stii ca trebuie sa folosesti infinitivul?

Infinitivul este forma verbala cu To, in fata.Ex.

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to sleep, to , go, to work, to read, to live, to understand etc.

Este cea mai simpla forma verbala care poate fi modificata pentru a fi potrivita in casdrul unei propozitii.

Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza – subiect sau complement

It is possible to use both infinitives and gerunds as subjects, but gerunds are much more commonly used as subjects.

  • I like to play the violin.
    I like playing the violin.

Ambele propozitii sunt corecte. (One has an infinitive as the object and the other has a gerund as the object.)

  • It’s easy to read a text in English.
    Reading a text in English is easy.

Putem alege cand folosim Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza?

Putem alege pe care sa le folosim? Desigur! Uneori. Alteori, nu. Nu putem! De ce? Pentru ca schimbam sensul propozitiei.

Putem schimba sensul unei propozitii alegand sa folosim infinitivul in locul Gerunziului si invers.

  • I stopped to play football with my friends.

It means I was going somewhere and I saw my friends were playing football.

  • I stopped playing football with my friends after I had broken my leg.

It means I no longer play football because my leg is broken.

  • I remember buying bread from this supermarket. It means that I remember I went to the supermarket to buy bread.
    Remember to buy bread from the supermarket on the way home. It means I remind you to buy bread before you come home.

Foloseste Gerunziu si Infinitivul in Engleza!

Gerunds and infinitives may be confusing sometimes, but they make your English speech more varied and colorful.
Now that you understand them better, you will notice them gerunds and infinitives in the English language.
If you are not sure whether to use an infinitive or a gerund in a sentence, try changing the sentence and saying what you want to say in a different way!
Practicing is how you become more fluent. But I’m sure you’ll find a way to use bothe of them correctly.

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