Expresii de timp pentru conversatie in Engleza

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Imbogateste-ti vocabularul, invatand expresii de timp pentru conversatie in limba Engleza! Sunt foarte importante si utile, pentru ca se folosesc aproape in fiecare zi.

Sunt o multime de variante de cuvinte si expresii care se folosesc pentru a exprima diverse sensuri legate de timp. Asigura-te ca inveti cele mai importante dintre ele, pentru a putea sa te exprimi fluent in limba Engleza!

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Cele mai importante expresii de timp pentru conversatie – lectie pentru nivel mediu si incepatori

On time – La timp

Prima expresie pe care o folosim destul de des, este:

On time – Inseamna: La timp.

on time for sau on time to – la timp pentru

Arrive at the time agreed. La timpul stabilit. arrive on time – Am ajuns la timpul stabilit, convenit.

  • I’m on time for the meeting. (I arrived exactly, at the time agreed, for the meeting. The meeting was at 8 and that’s when I arrived.)

(Am ajuns la timp la intalnire. Am ajuns exact la ora stabilita. Intalnirea era la ora 8 si exact atunci am ajuns.)

  • The train left on time. (There was no delay.) Trenul a plecat la timp. (Nu a fost nici o intarziere.)
 In time – La timp

minutes before the time agreed. minute inainte de timpul stabilit/ convenit.

  • If you arrive in time, you enough time before something else happens.

I’m in time. (minutes before the time agreed). Am ajuns la timp. (cu cateva minute inainte de timpul stabilit)

  • We’ll in time to catch the train. Vom ajunge la timp pentru a prinde trenul.
in good time (plenty of time before) Cu destul timp inainte ( o jumatate de ora)
  • You arrive half an hour before the train leaves. Ajungi cu jumatate de ora inainte de plecarea trenului. Ajungi devreme.
  • We arrive in good time before the train leaves. Ajunge devreme inainte sa plece trenul.

Just in time (very close before, about a minut). Foarte aproape de timpul stabilit.

  • I caught the bus just in time. Am prins autobuzul exact la timp.

Only just in time (a few seconds before). Cu cateva secunde inainte de …

  • The doors of the bus were just closing when I got on. Usile autobuzului se inchideau cand am urcat.

In the meantime (while waiting) – Intre timp.

  • If you have an hour while waiting, you can do something else. Poti face altceva intre timp, daca ai o ora de asteptat.
  • We can listen to music or watch tv, in the meantime.
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Cuvinte si expresii despre timp – Cand ai destul timp.

When you have enough time… Cand ai destul timp la dispozitie…

Cum spui cand ai destul timp si nu este nevoie sa te grabesti?

  • Take your time! Nu te grabi!
  • Take your time! No need to hurry. Nu te grabi! Nu este nici o graba.

Poti folosi si alte expresii pentru a exprima ceva similar. Una dintre aceste expresii similare este:

  • No rush. Nici o graba.
  • There’s no rush. Nu este nici o graba.

Desigur, poti spune chiar: enough time

  • No need to rush. We have enough time.
  • If you wake up early in the morning, you have enough time.

Enough time – have time on my hands ( extra time)

to have plenty of time – a avea mult timp

A lot of time, Much time, Plenty of time – Timp mult

  • No need to hurry. We have plenty of time. Nu este nevoie sa ne grabim. Avem destul timp.

make good time – arrive faster than expected

time after time – repeatedly – in mod repetat  (acelasi cu: again and again –  din nou si din nou)

a whale of a time – a really good time – a se simti bine

  • I had a whale of a time. M-am simiti foarte bine.

time off – limp liber

  • I need some time off. Am nevoie de timp liber.

Cand nu ai destul timp Not enough time

Sunt destul expresii pe care le poti folosi atunci cand nu ai destul timp, ai timp foarte putin timp sau timpul este limitat. Prima expresie este o forma de imperativ, foarte cunoscuta.

Hurry up! (Informal)
  • Hurry up! We’re going to be late. Grabeste-te! Vom intarzia.
  • Hurry up if you don’t want to be late. Grabeste-te daca nu vrei sa intarzii!
pressed for time. (formal)

Pressed for time inseamna: presat de timp. Il folosesti cand ai foarte putin timp la dispozitie. Ex.

  • Look I can’t talk. I’m really pressed for time now. Nu pot vorbi. Sunt foarte presat de timp acum.
  • I’m a little pressed for time right now. Sunt putin presat de timp in acest moment.

short on time – (nu) am timp

  • I can’t stay long this time. I’m short on time. Nu pot sta mult. Nu am timp.
be out of time – a nu avea timp
  • We are out of time. Nu mai avem timp. Timpul a expirat.

run out of time – a nu mai avea timp

  • We are running out of time. Nu mai avem timp.
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to make time

Nobody has enough time. Time is limited. You have to divide your time between your job and your family. Family is very important.

Nimeni nu are destul timp. Timpul este limitat. Trebuie sa iti imparti timpul intre familie si slujba. Familia este cea mai importanta.

  • Make more time for my family. Acorda mai mult timp pentru familia ta!
  • Spend more time with your family! Petrece mai mult timp cu familia!
Time’s up – Time is up. – Timpul s-a terminat.

”Time is up.” is the same as ”You are out of time.”

”Time is up.” este similar cu: ”You are out of time.”

You are sitting an exam. You have 30 minutes. The time passes so quickly. The teacher says:

  • Put down your pens! Time’s up. Puneti pixurile jos! Timpul s-a terminat.

Esti la examen. Ai 30 de minute. Timpul trece atat de repede. Profesorul spune: Puneti pixurile jos. Timpul s-a terminat/a expirat.

Ask for more time – Cum ceri mai mult timp?

How do you ask for more time?

  • Give me a second! Da-mi o secunda! Numai o secunda.
  • Give me a minute! Da-mi un minut! Numai un minut.

You might need more than a second or more than a minute. It’s just a way of asking for more time.

If you are to sitting for a school test, you can say:

  • Just a sec. I can’t find my pen.

You want to go out and your friends ask for more time.

  • Just a sec. I can’t find my car keys.

You are busy in your office and your friends want to go out for lunch. You want to go out with them and say:

  • Just a minute. I’ll be out in a minute.
Time passing quickly  – Timpul trece prea repede

Folosim prezentul simplu cand actinea este generala.

  • Time flies. Timpul zboara.
  • Time flies when you’re having fun. Timpul zboara cand te distrezi.

Folosim prezentul continuu cand actiunea afre loc in timpul vorbirii sau in prezent.

  • Time is flying. Timpul zboara.
  • Is it 3 already? Time is flying. Este deja 3? Timpul zboara.

lose track of time – a pierde notiunea timpului

  • I lost track of time yesterday. Am pierdut notiunea timpului ieri.
  • You can lose track of time when you are having fun. Poti pierde notiunea timpului cand te distrezi.

Pass time vs spend time

„Spend time” is used to talk about the time you do an activity.

Citeste si:  Cele mai importante greseli de pronuntie

‘Spend time” este folosit pentru a vorbi despre timpul  de care ai nevoie pentru a face o activitate.

„Pass the time” means doing something to make the time pass faster while you are waiting for something else.

”Pass time” inseamna ca faci ceva pentru ca timpul sa treaca mai repede.

Time passes too slowly? Timpul trece prea incet?

Pass time – a face ceva pentru a trece timpul
to do something to keep busy while waiting:

Sometimes time passes so slowly. You need to do something to keep yourself busy that is, to pass the time.

  • Watching videos or listening to music is a great way to pass time on a long flight.
  • You can play games o your phone to pass time.
  • I look at the magazines to pass the time while waiting for my appointment at the dentist’s office.

Alte expresii de timp pentru conversatie pentru incepatori

early – devreme

early in the morning – dimineata devreme

  • It’s still early. No need to hurry. Este inca devreme. Nu-i nici o graba.
  • It’s very early for me. Este foarte devreme pentru mine.
  • I wake up early in the morning. Ma trezesc dimineata devreme.
  • I go to work early in the morning. Merg la serviciu dimineata devreme.
late – tarziu
  • You’re late again. Ai intarziat din nou.
  • Don’t be late! Nu intarzia!
  • Better late than never. Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata.
  • It’s very late. Este foarte tarziu.
  • It is getting late. Se face tarziu.
  • It’s too late. Este prea tarziu.
  • I’m on time for the party. Am ajuns la timp la petrecere.
  • Be here on time! Fii aici la timp!
Spend time
  • He wants to spend more time with his family. El vrea sa-si petreaca mai mult timp cu familia.
  • How do you spend your free time? Cum iti petreci timpul liber?
  • I spend my time reading books. Petrec timpul citind carti.
  • I spend a lot of time outdoors. Petrec mult timp afara, in aer liber.
  • You spend your time studying English. Tu iti petreci timpul studiind Engleza.

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Tell me in a comment: How do you spend your time? Lasa un comentariu mai jos si spune-mi cum iti petreci timpul liber!

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