Exercitii cu Trecutul Simplu in Engleza

Trecut Simplu – Exercitii Engleza

Ai mai jos exercitii cu trecutul simplu in Engleza. Daca inveti Engleza singur/a nu este nici o problema pentru ca ti-am pregatit si raspunsurile mai jos. Te poti corecta daca ai facut greseli.

Invata despre Trecutul Simplu!

Inainte de a face aceste exercitii, asigura-te ca ai inteles cum cand se foloseste Trecutul simplu in limba Engleza. poti vedea explicatiile cu exemple in aceasta lectie de Engleza, aici: Past Simple

1. Traduceti aceste propozitii in Engleza:

  1. Nu se intelegeau foarte bine.
  2. Am locuit in Londra.
  3. Am locuit in strainatate 10 ani.
  4. Am jucat tenis cand eram tanar.
  5. Cineva a sunat la usa cand noi luam micul dejun.
  6. A venit, si-a dat jos haina si s-a asezat la biroul sau.
  7. Am intalnit-o pe sotia mea in 2015.
  8. Cand eram copil mergeam la scoala cu autobuzul.
  9. Nu isi vorbeau cand erau acasa.
  10. S-au mutat anul trecut.
  11. Pe cine ai intalnit la petrecere?
  12. Ce ai facut cand ai gasit-o?
  13. Ce te-a facut sa spui asta?
  14. Cine a descoperit penicilina?
  15. Ce te-a facut sa te razgandesti?
  16. A jucat tenis cand era tanara?
  17. Ai locuit in strainatate?
  18. Cand ai intalnit-o/cunoscut-o pe sotia ta?
  19. Unde s-a dus ieri?
  20. Nu am ajuns acasa decat foarte tarziu aseara.

2. Completati propozitiile cu formele corecte de Trecut Simplu!

  1. I (not/drink) any beer last night.
  2. She (get on) the bus in the centre of the city.
  3. What time (he/get up) yesterday?
  4. Where (you/get off) the train?
  5. I (not/change) trains at Victoria.
  6. We (wake up) very late.
  7. What (he/give) his mother for Christmas?
  8. I (receive) £300 when my uncle died.
  9. We (not/use) the computer last night.
  10. (she/make) good coffee?
  11. They (live) in Paris.
  12. She (read) the newspaper yesterday.
  13. I (not/watch) TV.
  14. He(not/study) for the exam.
  15. (he/call) you?
  16. (I/forget) something?
  17. What time (the film/start)?
  18. He (have) a shower.
  19. Why (you/come)?
  20. (he/go) to the party?

3. Traduceti in Engleza:

  1. Nu au fost la Rio vara trecuta.
  2. Nu am avut niciun ban.
  3. Nu am avut timp sa vizitam turnul Eiffel Tower.
  4. Nu ne-am facut exercitiile de dimineata.
  5. Au fost e in Islanda in Ianuarie (anul trecut)?
  6. Aveai bicicleta cand erai mic?
  7. Ai facut mult alpinism in Elvetia?
  8. A mers la un club azi noapte.
  9. Parintii mei au venit sa ma viziteze in Iulie( anul trecut).
  10. Nu am venit pentru ca ploua.
  11. Au venit la petrecerea ta saptamana trecuta?
  12. Am inotat mult cand am fost in vacanta.
  13. Se bucurau/le placea sa isi viziteze prietenii.
  14. Ea s-a intors joia trecuta.
  15. Am vazut-o in cladire.
  16. Am facut un tort pentru mama. a fost delicios.
  17. Alergam pana la gara in fiecare zi.
  18. I-am trimis niste flori prietenei mele. Astazi este ziua ei de nastere
  19. Nu au fost de acord cu mine.
  20. Si-au facut tema dar a fost cam grea.
  21. Au jucat jocuri video toata noaptea.
  22. Ieri am facut exercitiu.
  23. Nu am mers la sala duminica trecuta.
  24. A locuit in California 7 ani.
  25. Erau/au fost la Londra de luni pana vineri.
  26. Saptamana trecuta, am stat cu sora mea cateva zile.
  27. Joe a locuit in Boston 10 ani.
  28. Din 1981 pana in 1984, el a lucrat pentru o mare companie multinationala
Citeste si:  Exercitii cu Prepozitii Of & From - Engleza

4. Completati propozitiile cu formele corecte de Trecut Simplu!

  1. We really(enjoy) the game last Sunday.
  2. (Marco / win) the golf competition?
  3. They(not play) very well yesterday. They lost the match.
  4. How many goals(your team / score) in the first half?
  5. Sandra(not want) to go rowing with me.
  6. (they / go) to the swimming pool yesterday?
  7. I(buy) a new baseball cap last week.
  8. James(stop) his car in front of the sports shops.
5. Care sunt formele de trecut ale acestor verbe neregulate in Engleza?

be, begin, break, bring, buy, build, choose, come, cost, cut, do, draw, drive, eat, feel, find, get, give, go, have, hear, hold, keep, know, leave, lead, let, lie, lose, make, mean, meet, pay, put, run, say, sell, send, set, sit, speak, spend,,, stand, take, teach, tell, think, understand, wear, win, write

Raspunsuri  Corecte: Exercitiu 4

1.enjoyed 2.Did Marco win 3. didn’t play 4. did your team score 5. didn’t want 6. Did they go 7.bought 8.stopped

Solutii si Raspunsuri – Exercitii cu Trecutul Simplu in Engleza

Exercitiu 1. Raspunsuri

  1. They didn’t get along very well.
  2. I lived in London.
  3. I lived abroad for ten years.
  4. I played a lot of tennis when I was younger.
  5. Someone rang the door bell when we were having breakfast.
  6. He came in, took off his coat and sat down at his desk.
  7. I met my wife in 2015.
  8. When I was a boy, I went to school by bus every day.
  9. They never spoke to each other when they were at home.
  10. They moved house several times last year.
  11. Who did you meet at the party?
  12. What did you do when you found it?
  13. What made you say that?
  14. Who discovered penicillin?
  15. What made you change your mind?
  16. Did she play tennis when she was younger?
  17. Did you live abroad?
  18. When did you meet your wife?
  19. Where did she go yesterday?
  20. We didn’t get home until very late last night.
Citeste si:  Exercitii cu Prezent Simplu si Continuu in Engleza

2. Completati propozitiile cu formele corecte de Trecut Simplu!

  1. I didn’t drink any beer last night.
  2. She got on the bus in the centre of the city.
  3. What time did he get up yesterday?
  4. Where did you get off the train?
  5. I didn’t change trains at Victoria.
  6. We woke up very late.
  7. What did he give his mother for Christmas?
  8. I received £300 when my uncle died.
  9. We didn’t use the computer last night.
  10. Did she make good coffee?
  11. They lived in Paris.
  12. She read the newspaper yesterday.
  13. I didn’t watch TV.
  14. He didn’t  study for the exam.
  15. Did he call you?
  16. Did I forget  something?
  17. What time the film start?
  18. He had a shower.
  19. Why did you come?
  20. Did he go to the party?
Exercitiu 3 Raspunsuri Corecte
  1. They weren’t in Rio last summer.
  2. We didn’t have any money.
  3. We didn’t have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.
  4. We didn’t do our exercises this morning.
  5. Were they in Iceland last January?
  6. Did you have a bicycle when you were young?
  7. Did you do much climbing in Switzerland?
  8. He went to a club last night.
  9. My parents came to visit me last July.
  10. We didn’t come because it was raining.
  11. Did he come to your party last week?
  12. We swam a lot while we were on holiday.
  13. They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
  14. She came back last Thursday.
  15. I saw her in the building.
  16. I made a cake for my mom, it was delicious
  17. I ran to the train station every day
  18. I sent some flowers to my girlfriend, today is her birthday
  19. They didn’t agree with me.
  20. They did their homework, but it was kind of difficult
  21. They played video games the whole night
  22. Yesterday I did exercise.
  23. I didn’t go to the gym last Sunday.
  24. She lived in California for seven years.
  25. They were in London from Monday to Friday
  26. Last week, I stayed with my sister for a few days
  27. Joe lived in Boston for ten years.
  28. From 1981 to 1984, he worked for a large multinational company.
Citeste si:  7 Expresii Pentru A Uita In Engleza
5. Exercitiu – Raspunsuri Corecte – Formele de trecut ale verbelor neregulate in Engleza;

was/were, began, broke, brought, bought, built, chose, came, cost, cut, did, drew, drove, ate, felt, found, got, gave, went, had, heard, held, kept, knew, left, led, let, lay, lost, made, meant, me, paid, put, ran, said, sold, sent, set, sat, spoke, spent, stood, took, taught, told, thought, understood, wore, won, wrote

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