Practica – Exercitii cu Prepozitii de Timp Si Loc

Invata Prepozitiile de Timp la Clubul de Engleza!

Astazi invatam sa folosim prepozitiile. Facem exercitii cu prepozitii de timp si loc in limba Engleza. Daca nu stim sa folosim prepozitiile, nu ne putem exprima corect. Exista vreo regula pentru a invata cum sa folosim prepozitiile de timp?

Folosim prepozitia ”IN”

Ani: In 1997  – In 1997, in the ’80s, in anii ’80 etc

Luni: In October – In Octombrie, In July, In March

Anotimpuri: In summer – Vara, In Spring – primavara, in autumn – toamna

Momentele zilei: In the Morning – Dimineata, In the afternoon – dupa amiaza,

Citeste si:  Exercitii cu Prezentul Simplu in Engleza

Aboneaza-te la Clubul de Engleza! Gratuit si Simplu! Invata Engleza Conversationala!

Exercitii In Engleza cu Prepozitii de Timp si Loc

Nu invata liste de verbe si adjective cu prepozitii! Cea mai eficienta metoda de invatare a prepozitiilor in limba Engleza este sa le folosesti in exercitii. Ti-am pregatit cateva exercitii cu prepozitii de timp. Ai de tradus sau de completat spatiile libere cu prepozitiile corecte.

Exercitiu 1 Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitiile corecte!

  1. I saw an interesting book __ the top shelf .
  2. Mike and his family always go for walks __  the evening.
  3. __ sunny days we usually go __  the beach.
  4. Let’s meet __ the corner of Brook and Benton Street.
  5. There were a lot of people __ the concert.
  6. Get __ the bus. It’s already moving.
  7. He speaks German very well. He studied __ Berlin __ two years.
  8. I usually listen __  jazz because I’m interested __ American music.
  9. Jack was born __ December 20, 1959.
  10. __ midnight the new law will come into effect.
  11. We usually have a great dinner __ Christmas Day.
  12. There were many people I have never seen __ the wedding.
  13. Herbert’s mother died __ the age of 92.
  14. His office is __ the second floor.
  15. The dog is swimming __ the river.
  16. She told me she would be there __ noon.
  17. There is a new painting __ the wall.
  18. It happened __ the summer of 1939.
  19. It’s much cooler ___ the evening than it is __ the afternoon.
  20. I’ll see you __ lunch. Don’t be late!
  21. You can’t miss it. It’s the third house __ your left.

Exercitiu 2. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitiile de timp si loc corecte!

  1. I’m busy now, but I’ll speak to you __ an hour.
  2. There’s someone __ the door. Could you get it?
  3. He got __ his bike and rode home.
  4. She got home just __ time to put the children __ bed.
  5. The museum offers tours __ weekdays.
  6. The story appeared __ all the major newspapers __ Monday.
  7. Could you please call later. He’s still __ work.
  8. The Olympics will begin __ the 27th of February.
  9. She doesn’t have a job __ the moment.
  10. I was born __ March.
  11. Dad came home late __ night.
  12. __  weekdays I usually get up __ 7.
  13. He gave me flowers __ Valentine’s Day.
  14. Put the box __ the corner.
  15. She goes __  the gym __ Wednesdays.
  16. What happens __ the end of the film ?
  17. The film starts __ half an hour.
  18. There’s a spider __ the wall.
  19. On Sundays we usually get up __ lunchtime.

Exercitiu 1 Raspunsuri corecte

  1. I saw an interesting book on the top shelf .
  2. Mike and his family always go for walks in the evening.
  3. On sunny days we usually go to the beach.
  4. Let’s meet at the corner of Brook and Benton Street.
  5. There were a lot of people at the concert.
  6. Get on the bus. It’s already moving.
  7. He speaks German very well. He studied in Berlin for two years.
  8. I usually listen to jazz because I’m interested in American music.
  9. Jack was born on December 20, 1959.
  10. At midnight the new law will come into effect.
  11. We usually have a great dinner on Christmas Day.
  12. There were many people I have never seen at the wedding.
  13. Herbert’s mother died at the age of 92.
  14. His office is on the second floor.
  15. The dog is swimming in the river.
  16. She told me she would be there at noon.
  17. There is a new painting on the wall.
  18. It happened in the summer of 1939.
  19. It’s much cooler in the evening than it is in the afternoon.
  20. I’ll see you at lunch. Don’t be late!
  21. You can’t miss it. It’s the third house on your left.
Citeste si:  Exercitii cu Trecutul Continuu si Trecutul Simplu

Exercitiu 2. Completati spatiile libere – Raspunsuri corecte

  1. I’m busy now, but I’ll speak to you in an hour.
  2. There’s someone at the door. Could you get it?
  3. He got on his bike and rode home.
  4. She got home just in time to put the children to bed.
  5. The museum offers tours on weekdays.
  6. The story appeared in all the major newspapers on Monday.
  7. Could you please call later. He’s still at work.
  8. The Olympics will begin on the 27th of February.
  9. She doesn’t have a job at the moment.
  10. I was born in March.
  11. Dad came home late at night.
  12. On weekdays I usually get up at 7.
  13. He gave me flowers on Valentine’s Day.
  14. Put the box in the corner.
  15. She goes to the gym on Wednesdays.
  16. What happens at the end of the film ?
  17. The film starts in half an hour.
  18. There’s a spider on the wall.
  19. On Sundays we usually get up at lunchtime.

Exercitiu 3. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitiile de timp si loc corecte!

  1. It started to rain __ we were having our picnic.
  2. We were in Italy __ the summer.
  3. It snowed __ almost four hours.
  4. I was on holiday __ three weeks __ the spring.
  5. He broke his arm __ they  were fighting.
  6. I explained my plans __ lunch.
  7. Someone broke into our house __ we were on holiday.
  8. We’ve been waiting __ almost an hour.
  9. Something woke me up __ the night.
  10. I saw Harry __ my visit to New York.
  11. We stopped work __ half an hour __ the afternoon.
  12. I’ll get something to drink __ you prepare the meal.
  13. What’s the matter with you. Is there anything __ your mind ?
  14. My boyfriend bought me some flowers, much __ my surprise.
  15. That’s typical __ him to always be so late.
  16. Grisham’s novels have been translated __ many languages.
  17. The police soon had the riots __ control.
  18. Don’t waste so much money __ new clothes.
  19. I have to hurry. I want to be __ time for the new presentation.
  20. All trains arriving from London are __ time.

Exercitiu 4. Completati spatiile libere cu prepozitiile de timp si loc corecte!

  1. The guard told us to keep __  the lawn. It has been freshly cut.
  2. The young man has been addicted __ drugs for ages.
  3. E-books are very much __ demand at the moment.
  4. It was love __ first sight.
  5. There isn’t any access __ the village because the road blocks.
  6. I’m afraid I’m not very good animals.
  7. I was shocked __ Sam’s behaviour.
  8. The commander was __ charge of all the troops in the region.
  9. She knocked over the vase __ mistake.
  10. She was able to visit him __ a regular basis.
  11. They worked hard but didn’t come up __ a solution the problem.
  12. When we looked of the window __ Christmas Day, we saw that the ground was covered __ snow.
  13. Jimmy was responsible __ making the project work.
  14. My friend apologized __ being so late.
  15. My sister is very fond __ sweets.
  16. We laughed __ the clown making faces at us.
  17. They lived __ a large house close __ the coast.
  18. Can you think __ a suitable present __ a twelve-year-old boy ?
  19. The room was full __ old furniture.
  20. I prefer tea __ coffee.
  21. You have to be more quiet. I can’t concentrate __ my work.
  22. I can’t come in here. I’m allergic __ cats.
  23. Dad always bets __ the same horse when he goes to the races.
  24. Most parents hope __ a better life for their children.
  25. The novel was translated __ English into Spanish.
Citeste si:  Prezent Perfect si Trecutul Simplu in Engleza

Exercitiu 5 – Traduceti in Engleza folosind prepozitiile corecte!

Exercitii cu Prepozitii de Timp in Engleza
Exercitii cu Prepozitii de Timp in Engleza
  1. La ce ora incepe?
  2. La ce ora se incheie?
  3. La ce ora se deschide magazinul?
  4. La ce ora se inchide magazinul?
  5. Cat dureaza?
  6. In ce zi suntem astazi?
  7. In ce data suntem astazi?
  8. la ce ora este intalnirea/programarea?
  9. La ce ora te-ai nascut?
  10. Este la telefon. Nu poate veni acum. Poti astepta 10 minute?
  11. Vine acasa la timp.
  12. Isi plateste datoriile la timp.
  13. Saptamana viitoare este ziua sotiei mele.
  14. Dar încă avem toată ziua înainte.
  15. Este intotdeauna o alta zi.
  16. Este la calculator. Joaca un joc video.
  17. Ma trezesc dimineata devreme dar ridic din pat pe la 8.
  18. Filmul meu preferat va fi la tv diseara. Vreau sa-l vad.
  19. Poti sa inconjori insula cu masina intr-o zi.
  20. Poti face multe lucruri intr-o zi.
  21. Sunt multe lucruri pe care le poti face ziua.
  22. Multe lucruri frumoase se pot intampla intr-o saptamana.
Exercitiu 6. Traduceti in Limba Engleza folosind prepozitiile de timp corecte!
  1. Am pus farfuria pe masa si cartea in geanta.
    Prepozitiile de timp at, in, on
    Prepozitiile de timp at, in, on
  2. Avea un inel cu diamant la deget.
  3. Lucrarea este pe biroul meu.
  4. Totul este la reducere. Poti sa cumperi totul la jumatate de pret.
  5. Masina de gunoi vine martea si joia.
  6. Bucata de lemn m-a lovit in umar.
  7. A luat foc cladirea.
  8. Autobuzul va opri aici la 5:45 p.m.Este petrecere la club.
  9. Erau sute de oameni in parc.
  10. Te rog, trimite-mi un email la
  11. Ma pricepeam sa desenez un portret.
  12. Vara, avem sezon ploios timp de 3 saptamani.
  13. Ea s-a uitat direct in ochii mei.
  14. Acum stau la un hotel.
  15. Pictura era mai mult pe/in albastru.
  16. Baietii au stat in cerc.
  17. Aceasta haine vine in 4 marimi diferite.
  18. Nu ne intereseaza jocurile de noroc.
  19. M-am trezit noaptea.
  20. Am fost treaz toata noaptea.
  21. Lacomia vine cu un pret.
  22. Este delicioasă la exterior, otrăvitoare la interior.
    Prepozitiile to si for
    Prepozitiile to si for
  23. Pune-ti masca inainte sa dai drumul la gaz!
  24. Ii place sa apesa pedala de acceleratie cand conduce singur.

Exercitiu 3. Completati spatiile libere – Raspunsuri corecte!

  1. It started to rain while we were having our picnic.
  2. We were in Italy in the summer.
  3. It snowed for almost four hours.
  4. I was on holiday for three weeks the spring.
  5. He broke his arm while they were fighting.
  6. I explained my plans at lunch.
  7. Someone broke into our house while we were on holiday.
  8. We’ve been waiting for almost an hour.
  9. Something woke me up in the night.
  10. I saw Harry during my visit to New York.
  11. We stopped work for half an hour in the afternoon.
  12. I’ll get something to drink while you prepare the meal.
  13. What’s the matter with you. Is there anything on your mind ?
  14. My boyfriend bought me some flowers, much to my surprise.
  15. That’s typical of him to always be so late.
  16. Grisham’s novels have been translated into many languages.
  17. The police soon had the riots under control.
  18. Don’t waste so much money on  new clothes.
  19. I have to hurry. I want to be in time for the new presentation.
  20. All trains arriving from London are on time.

Exercitiu 4. Completati spatiile libere Raspunsuri corecte!

  1. The guard told us to keep off the lawn. It has been freshly cut.
  2. The young man has been addicted to drugs for ages.
  3. E-books are very much in demand at the moment.
  4. It was love at first sight.
  5. There isn’t any access to the village because the road blocks.
  6. I’m afraid I’m not very good to animals.
  7. I was shocked at Sam’s behaviour.
  8. The commander was in charge of all the troops in the region.
  9. She knocked over the vase by mistake.
  10. She was able to visit him on a regular basis.
  11. They worked hard but didn’t come up with a solution the problem.
  12. When we looked out of the window on Christmas Day we saw that the ground was coveredwith  snow.
  13. Jimmy was responsible for making the project work.
  14. My friend apologized for being so late.
  15. My sister is very fond of sweets.
  16. We laughed at the clown making faces at us.
  17. They lived in a large house close to the coast.
  18. Can you think of a suitable present for a twelve-year-old boy ?
  19. The room was full of old furniture.
  20. I prefer tea to coffee.
  21. You have to be more quiet. I can’t concentrate on my work.
  22. I can’t come in here. I’m allergic to cats.
  23. Dad always bets on the same horse when he goes to the races.
  24. Most parents hope for a better life for their children.
  25. The novel was translated from English into Spanish.
Citeste si:  Exercitii cu Prezentul Simplu in Engleza

Exercitiu 5 – Raspunsuri Corecte Prepozitii de timp si loc.

  1. What time does it start?
  2. What time does it end?
  3. What time does the shop open?
  4. What time does the shop close?
  5. How long does it last?
  6. What day is today? What day is it today
  7. What date is it today?
  8. What time is the appointment?
  9. What time were you born?
  10. She’s on the phone. She can’t come right now. Can you wait (for) 10 minutes?
  11. He comes home on time.
  12. He pays off his debts on time.
  13. My wife’s birthday is next week.
  14. But we still have a whole day ahead.
  15. There’s always another day.
  16. He’s on the computer now. He’s playing a video game.
  17. I wake up early in the morning but I get out of bed at about 8.
  18. My favourite film /is will be/ on  tv tonight. I want to see it.
  19. You can drive around the island in one day.
  20. You can do a lot of things in one day.
  21. There are a lot of things you can do in the day.
  22. Many beautiful things can happen in a week.
Exercitiu 6. Raspunsuri corecte!
  1. I  put the plate on the counter and the book in the bag.
  2. She wore a diamond ring on her finger.
  3. The paper is on my desk.
  4. Everything is on sale. You can buy everything (at/for) half price.
  5. The garbage truck comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  6. The piece of wood hit me on my shoulder.
  7. Everything in this store is on sale.
  8. The building is on fire.
  9. The bus will stop here at 5:45 p.m.
  10. There is a party at the club house.
  11. There were hundreds of people at the park.
  12. Please email me at
  13. I am good at drawing a portrait.
  14. She always reads newspapers in the morning.
  15. In the summer, we have a rainy season for three weeks.
  16. She looked me directly in the eyes.
  17. I am currently staying in a hotel.
  18. This painting is mostly in blue.
  19. The boys stood in a circle.
  20. This jacket comes in four different sizes.
  21. We’re not interested in gambling.
  22. I woke up in the night.
  23. I was up all night.
  24. Greed comes at a price.
  25. It is delicious on the outside, poisonous on the inside.
  26. Put on the mask before you turn on the gas!
  27. He likes to press on the gas on he’s driving alone.

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