Care Este Diferenta Dintre ”What” si ”Which”?
Stii care este diferenta dintre What si Which in intrebari in limba Engleza? Pai este simplu! ”Which” inseamna ”care” iar ”what” inseamna ”ce”. Corect? Corect dar nu este doar atat. De ce? Pentru ca sunt situatii cand trebuie sa alegem unul din cele doua pentru a traduce pe ”care” din limba romana.
Daca nu stii exact cum le folosim, nu e nici o problema. Poti afla acum. Urmareste aceasta lectie de Engleza pana la final. Lasa un comentariu mai jos si spune-mi ce ai inteles!
Ce inseamna ”what” si ”which”?
Probabil stii deja ca ”what” inseamna ”ce” iar ”which” inseamna ”care”. Totusi, le putem traduce, uneori la fel, prin ”care” in limba Romana.
- What – ce, (care)
- Which – care
Iata doua exemple:
- What is your favourite colour? Care este culoarea ta preferata?
- Which is your favourite colour? Care este culoarea ta preferata?
Ambele propozitii de mai sus sunt corecte dar le folosim in situatii diferite. Alegerea uneia dintre cele doua, ne spune ceva important in Engleza.
Diferenta Dintre What si Which in intrebari
Este usor sa faci diferenta dintre ”what” si ”which” cand cle doua se folosesc in propozitii afirmative cand cele doua inseamna ”ce” si ”care”. Problema apre cand trebuie sa le folosim in intrebari.
Cum stim pe care sa o folosim? Exista o regula care ne ajuta sa facem diferenta.
Cand folosim ”what” ?
”What” se foloseste in intrebari care au multe raspunsuri posibile. Ex.
- What’s your favourite food? Care este mancarea ta preferata?
- What’s your favourite sport? Care este sportul tau preferat?
- What’s your problem? Care este problema ta?
- What is your bed time? Care este ora ta de culcare?
- What is the height of that mountain? Care este inaltimea acelui munte?
Am mai multe variante posibile de raspuns, deaceea folosesc”what” aici.
Cand folosim ”which” ?
Cand avem putine variante de raspuns, folosim ”which” in intrebari. Poti alege intre cateva optiuni: doua, trei culori, obiecte, variante etc. Poti spune:
- I have green and yellow. Which one do you like better? Am verde si galben. Pe care o/il preferi?
- There are 3 books on the shelf. Which book are you looking for? Sunt 3 carti pe raft. Pe care o cauti?
Putem alege sa folosim verbul ”to prefer” a prefera”, pentru a exprima preferinta.
- What colour do you like? I like dark blue. Ce culoare iti place. Imi place albastru inchis.
- Which colour do you prefer? I prefer dark blue. Care culoare o preferi? Prefer albastru inchis.
Variante putine sau numar mic, limitat de variante/optiuni – folosim: WHICH.
Variante multe sau numar mare sau nemilitat de variante/optiuni – folosim: WHAT.
What, Which sau Oricare?
Uneori putem folosi atat pe ”what”cat si pe ”which” fara sa schimbam sensul:
- What/Which is your wedding day? Care este ziua nuntii tale?
- What/Which flight are you taking to London? Ce avion iei pentru Londra?
Exemple cu ”what”
- What do you suggest? Ce sugerezi?
- What do you recommend? Ce recomanzi?
- What flavour of ice cream do you like? Ce aroma de inghetata preferi?
- What time do you go to bed? La ce ora mergi la culcare?
- What do you want to eat for breakfast? Ce vrei sa mananci la micul dejun?
1. Traduceti in Engleza:
- Ce culoare are geanta ta?
- Ce pictura a pictat Henry cea din stanga sau cea din dreapta?
- Ce limba preda Mr. Miller, Franceza sau Italiana?
- Ce hobbiuri are prietenul tau?
- Care materie iti place mai mult, Muzica sau Arta?
- Care masina este mai rapida, cea rosie sau cea albastra?
- La ce ora te trezesti de obicei, duminica?
- Ce suc preferi, de portocale sau de mere?
- La ce pagina suntem?
- Ce materie nu iti place?
- Care este mancarea ta preferata?
- Care mancare iti place mai mult? Mancarea gatita sau fast-food?
- Care pahar era al meu?
- La care deget simti durere?
- Care este tatal tau? Cel imbracat cu camasa si pantaloni negri sau cel care poarta costum?
- Care este activitatea ta preferata?
- Care este sportul tau preferat?
- Care este problema ta?
- Care este ora ta de culcare?
- Care este inaltimea acelui munte?
Which vs. What
Fill in the blank with “which” or “what”. (Answers provided below).
- time is it?
- meeting would you like to attend – the morning or afternoon one?
- did they say about your report? Did they like it
- is the correct answer, please?
- contestant do you think will win?
- is your favorite number?
- home would you prefer to live in: an apartment or a house?
- Can you tell me you would like to do now? I am completely out of ideas.
- car do you have? There are three more people who need a ride. Is it big enough for us all?
- city has the tallest building?
What or Which – Exercise
Use ”what” or ”which” to complete each sentence.
- time do we have to be at school? At eight o’clock.
- languages does your father speak, French or Spanish?
- underground should we take? Line 3 or line 4?
- fruit do you like best? Bananas and mangoes.
- colour do you prefer, blue, orange or yellow?
- car do you like better, the VW or the Audi?
- is your favourite subject in school?
- hobbies does your sister have? She likes reading and sports.
- bus goes to the centre, number 30 or 31?
- arm did you break? I broke the left one.
- movie are you going to see? The new James Bond movie.
- can I do for you? I’d like to buy one of these shirts.
- of his children went to university? Frank studies economy.
- of her books won the Pulitzer Prize? Her last one.
- He said he left at nine wasn’t true.
- of your friends plays football best? Toni.
- is the highest mountain?
- do you feed your hamster? Corn and salad.
- of these statements is true? I think, the second one.
- animal is the fastest? It’s the cheetah.
- What colour is your bag?
- What painting did Henry paint, the one on the left or the one on the right?
- Which language does Mr Miller teach, French or Italian?
- What hobbies does your friend have?
- Which subject do you like better, Art or Music?
- Which car is faster, the red one or the blue one?
- What time do you usually get up on Sundays?
- Which juice do you prefer, orange juice or apple juice?
- What page are we on?
- What subject don’t you like?
- What is your favourite food?
- Which food do you like better? Cooked food or fast-food?
- Which glass is mine?
- In which finger do you feel pain?
- Which one is your dad? The one/man dressed shirt and black trouser or the one/man wearing a suit?
- What’s your favourite activity?
- What’s your favourite sport?
- What’s your problem?
- What is your bed time?
- What is the height of that mountain?
Which vs. What
Fill in the blank with “which” or “what”. (Answers provided below).
- What time is it?
- Which meeting would you like to attend – the morning or afternoon one?
- What did they say about your report? Did they like it
- Which is the correct answer, please?
- Which contestant do you think will win?
- What is your favourite number?
- Which home would you prefer to live in: an apartment or a house?
- Can you tell me what you would like to do now? I am completely out of ideas.
- What car do you have? There are three more people who need a ride. Is it big enough for us all?
- What/ Which city has the tallest building?
What or Which – Exercise
Use ”what” or ”which” to complete each sentence.
- What time do we have to be at school? At eight o’clock.
- Which languages does your father speak, French or Spanish?
- Which underground should we take? Line 3 or line 4?
- What fruit do you like best? Bananas and mangoes.
- Which colour do you prefer, blue, orange or yellow?
- Wich car do you like better, the VW or the Audi?
- What is your favourite subject in school?
- What hobbies does your sister have? She likes reading and sports.
- Which bus goes to the centre, number 30 or 31?
- Which arm did you break? I broke the left one.
- What/Which movie are you going to see? The new James Bond movie.
- What can I do for you? I’d like to buy one of these shirts.
- Which of his children went to university? Frank studies economy.
- Which of her books won the Pulitzer Prize? Her last one.
- He said he left at nine which wasn’t true.
- Which of your friends plays football best? Toni.
- What is the highest mountain?
- What do you feed your hamster? Corn and salad.
- Which of these statements is true? I think, the second one.
- What animal is the fastest? It’s the cheetah.
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