Diferenta Dintre It is & There is In Engleza

Diferenta Dintre Expresiile Verbale It is Si There is In Limba Engleza

Stii care este diferenta dintre It is si There is in Engleza si cum le folosim? Desi, pot sa para doua chestiuni grele pentru un incepator la Engleza, daca le intelegi de la inceput, iti va fi usor sa le folosesti in conversatie mai tarziu cand treci la urmatorul nivel la limba Engleza.

Cand folosim there is si cand folosim it is?

Ambele sunt expresii verbale care contin verbul to be. Le folosim in situatii diferite si sunt foarte importante pentru conversatia de zi cu zi in Engleza.

Mai intai, trebuie sa intelegi cand folosim there is si there are.

Ce inseamna si cand folosim there?

There is inseamna se afla, exista un lucru sau o persoana undeva . There are inseamna exista, se afla, sunt doua sau mai multe lucruri sau persoane undeva.

Folosim there is si there are atunci cand vrem sa spunem ca ceva exista sau se afla undeva.

Forma scurta, preferata in limba Engleza vorbita este there’s.

Folosim there is cu un substantiv la singular.

  • There is a cat on the roof. Este o pisica pe acoperis.
  • There’s a cat in the garden. Este o pisica in gradina.
  • There’s a hole in my shoe. Este o gaura in pantof.

sau cu substantive nenumarabile:

  • There’s milk in the fridge. Este lapte in frigider.
  • There’s snow outside. Este zapada afara.
  • There’s plenty of milk in the fridge. Este mult lapte in frigider.

Folosim there are cu substantive la plural.

  • There are two cats on the roof. Sunt 2 pisici pe acoperis.
  • There are books for all of us/you/them. Sunt carti pentru noi/voi/ei toti.

Cand stim ca ceva sau cineva se afla intr-un loc anume, spunem: There’s.

  • There’s a mouse in the kitchen. Este un soarece in bucatarie.
  • There’s a lot of noise in the street. Este mult zgomot pe strada.
Citeste si:  Formule de Salut in Engleza

Putem spune:

  • A mouse is in the kithen. Un soarece este in bucatarie.

dar sensul este putin diferit. Folosim aceasta varianta in situatia in care vrem sa localizam:

  • A mouse is in the kitchen and another is in the living room. Un soarece este in bucatarie si altul este in sufragerie.
  • A mouse is on the chair and two mice are on the table. Un soarece este pe scaun si doi soareci sunt pe masa.

There + viitor

Pentru a exprima viitorul, folosim will sau to be going to

There will be – va fi

Va fi sau vor fi – Putem folosi ”there will be” pentru singular si plural:

  • Va fi multa mancare la petrecere. – There will be a lot of food at the party.

There is going to be – Va fi – singular

There are going to be – vor fi – plural

  • There’s going to be a lot of food at the party. Va fi multa mancare la petrecere.
  • There are going to be a lot of people at the party. Vor fi multi oameni la petrecere.


In limba vorbita, vorbitorii nativi, tind sa foloseasca cel mai frecvent: there’s going to chiar si pentru plural:

Desi nu este corect gramatical, poti auzi si: ”There’s gonna be a lot of people at the party.”

Cand folosim It is?

Folosim It is atunci cand spunem cum este ceva:

  • It is good/bad. Este bine rau.

cand vorbim despre vreme:

  • It is hot/cold. Este cald frig.

Cand spunem cat este ceasul sau vorbim despre timp.

  • What time is it? It’s ten o’clock. Cat e ceasul? Este 10.
  • It is time to go to bed. Este timpul sa mergem la culcare.
Citeste si:  Invata a verbele cu prepozitie

It is the time when we usually go to bed. Este ora cand noi mergem de obicei la culcare.

  • What time is the meeting? I’m not sure but it’s in the afternoon. La ce ora este sedinta? Nu sunt sigur dar este dupa amiaza.
  • The meeting is in the afternoon. Intalnirea este dupa amiaza.

Cand intrebam ce zi sau ce data este?

  • What day is it? It’s Monday. Ce zi este? Este luni.

Cand spune ce este sau cine este (atat lucruri cat si persoane.)

  • Who is it? It’s me? Cine este? Sunt eu.
  • What is it? It’s nothing. Ce este? Nu este nimic.


1. Choose the correct forms of there is, there are, it is, they are, to complete the sentences below.

1. In my street, _____ a bakery, a supermarket and two restaurants.
b.there are
c.are there
2. ‘Is there a new printer in the office?’ ‘Yes, ____.’
b.there are
c.there is
3. When I opened the door, _____ a police officer standing in front of me.
a.there were
b.there was
c.there is
4. You can go now. _____ any danger.
a.There isn’t
b.There is
c.There aren’t
5. _____ any people in the restaurant last night?
a.Was there
b.Were there
c.Are there

2. Complete the sentences using the affirmative, negative or interrogative forms of there is, there was and there were:

1 When I was young,         a very good player in my team.
2           any good films on TV today.
3 Everything was perfect.            any problems.
4             many people at the cinema last night?
5 Do you want to eat out?            a new restaurant in the center.
6 Why           two boxes on the sofa? Can you take them away, please?
7 Ten years ago,        more shops; now many people buy online.
8 I’m very hungry.           any food left?
9 Why          a Civil War in the USA in 1861?
10 We need to go shopping;     any food in the fridge.

Citeste si:  Diferenta Dintre During si While
3. Fill in the blanks with there is or there are.

1. four weeks in a month.
2. a mailbox downstairs.
3. an English book in my backpack.
4. teachers in the classroom.
5. one bedroom upstairs.
6. clouds in the sky.
7. some mistakes in your calculations.
8. two lectures before the final.

4. Convert from one form to another as in the following examples.

a. There is milk in the bottle. There isn’t milk in the bottle.
b. There are dishes in the kitchen. Are there dishes in the kitchen?
c. Is there a pool in the garden’? There is a pool in the garden.

  1. Isn’t there a couch near the outlet?
  2. There aren’t knives on the table.
  3. There is a tray on the floor.
  4. There is a kite in the sky.
  5. Are there workers in the office?
  6. There isn’t a sink near the tub.
  7. There are eggs in the basket.
  8. There’s something I need to tell you.
  9.  There was a mistake in the text but I couldn’t find it.
  10. There is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it.
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