Care Este Diferenta dintre During, While si For in Limba Engleza?
Astazi, vorbim despre diferenta dintre during si while si for in Engleza. Sunt cuvinte pe care le folosim tot timpul in Engleza conversationala, asa ca trebuie sa le cunosti foarte bine pentru a te exprima corect.
Pronunta si foloseste corect aceste cuvinte!
Asigura-te ca pronunti corect si folosesti corect aceste cuvinte. Avem si cateva lectii video pe canalul nostru de you tube Clubul de Engleza. Aboneaza-te pentru a afla cand apar lectii noi de Engleza pentru oricine!
Cand folosim during?
during este o prepozitie folosita inaintea unui substantiv pentru a spune cand are loc actiunea.
Nu ne spune cat timp ci cand. Raspunde la intrebarea: Cand?
- Nobody spoke during the presentation. Nimeni nu a vorbit in timpul prezentarii.
- We get plenty of snow here during the winter. Avem multa zapada intimpul iernii.
- It snows a lot during the winter. Ninge mult iarna.
- Some people got lost during the journey. Unii s-au ratacit in timpul calatoriei.
- I can finish the novel during the summer break. Pot termina romanul in timpul vacantei de vara.
- Most burglaries happen during the night. Ceele mai multe talharii se intampla in timpul noptii.
Cum folosim while?
Folosim while pentru a vorbi despre lucruri care au loc in acelasi timp. Durata de timp nu este importanta.
while este folosit cu subiect si un verb (while + subiect + verb). ex:
- The phone rang while I was watching TV. Telefonul a sunat in timp ce ma uitam la tv.
- I met him while we were studying in the library. L-am intalnit in timp ce studiam in biblioteca.
Putem folosi verb la aspectul simplu, dupa while:
- I had breakfast while you were in the shower.
De multe ori, folosim aspectul continuu dupa while:
- I always listen to the radio while I’m cleaning. Intotdeauna ascult radio in timo ce fac curatienie.
- You shouldn’t use your phone while you are driving. Nu ar trebui sa folosesti telefonul in timp ce conduci.
During vs while
Cea mai importanta diferenta dintre during si while este ca while este urmat de o propozitie pe cand during este urmat de un substantiv.
- I fell asleep during the film. Am adormit in timpul filmului.
- I fell asleep while I was watching the film. Am adormit in timp ce ma uitam la film.
Cum folosim for?
For este o prepozitie folosita cu perioada de timp. Ne intereseaza cat timp dureaza actiunea.
- He has been sleeping for 8 hours. El doarme de 3 ore.
- We waited for 30 minutes outside your house. Am asteptat 30 de minute afara.
During vs for
Diferenta dintre during si for este ca during se refera la moment, cand se intampla actiunea iar for se refera la durata de timp, cat timp tine actiunea.
- During raspunde la intrebarea: When?
- For raspunde la intrebarea: How long?
- Every day I run for one hour. (How long do you run?) In fiecare zi alerg timp de 1 ora. Cat timp alerg?
- I usually run during the weekend. (When do you run?) De obicei alerg in timpul weekendului? Cand alerg?
Exercitiu 1
Completati spatiile libere folosind during, for sau while:
- I’ve been meaning to call you ___ some time. during for while
- He fell asleep ___ the meeting. during for while
- We all stayed inside ___ the storm. during for while
- Someone stole my bag ___ I was riding on the train. during for while
- The dog was barking ___ she was trying to watch TV. during for while
- Please don’t smoke ___ I’m eating. during for while
- Bats sleep ___ the day. during for while
- They’ve been out of the office ___ ages. during for while
- He kept talking to me ___ I was trying to read. during for while
- His mobile-phone rang twice ___ the film. during for while
- Several glasses were broken ___ the party.
- I don’t use my cellphone ___ I drive.
- No one spoke ___ the first 30 minutes of the meeting.
- People don’t go outside ___ the cold winter months.
- ___ we waited for a table, Jane and I discussed our plans for after dinner.
- Because she had studied English ___ her childhood, she was could speak well when she arrived in Canada.
- ___ the lecture, the Professor spoke his students listened.
Exercitiu 2
Completati spatiile libere folosind during, for sau while:
1. I met a nice French girl ……… my stay in Switzerland.
2. …… I was holidaying in France, I met a nice French girl.
3. I learned some Russian ……… I was studying in Russia.
4. We can meet ………… lunchtime.
5. It happened ………I was working in the garden.
6. I was in hospital ………… the winter.
7. The shop was closed ……… the whole of March.
8. I had some strange experiences ………. working in France.
9. I woke up ……………the night.
10. I cooked dinner ………… Samuel watched TV.
Exercitiu 3
Alege intre while si during pentru a completa propozitiile:
The accident happened ___ I was out.
The accident happened ___ my holidays.
It was raining ___ the whole night.
We were sleeping in our tents ___ it was raining.
She was surfing the internet ___ her friend was driving.
She was surfing the internet ___ the break.
Ian entered the room ___ I was doing my homework.
___ the summer he worked as a lifeguard.
They were watching a video ___ the phone rang.
I can’t use my phone ___ the lessons.
Exercitiu 4
- In timpul verii, ploua mult.
- Nu folosi telefonul in timpul orei!
- A adormit in timpul sedintei.
- A plans in timpul filmului.
- Stau inauntru cand este foarte cald.
- Este tacuta cand este suparata/manioasa.
- Cand va veni ea, vom manca.
- Cand terminam, putem merge acasa.
- Fratele meu a studiat in timp ce eu m-am uitat la TV.
- Sforaie in timp ce doarme.
- Am baut cafea in timp ce ploua.
- A plouat in timp ce noi coboram muntele.
- A dormit pe tot parcursul zborului.
- Chicoteau tare in timpul conferintei.
- Am stat in interior in timpul furtunii.
- Restaurantul este deschis in timpul zilei.
- Si-a impuscat sotia in timpul unei certe.
- Alarma de incendiu s-a declansat in timpul conferintei.
- De ce erai tacut in timpul sedintei?
- Eu dorm in timpul zilei iar ea doarme noaptea.
- Noi am asteptat in masina in tmp ce Jack s-a pregatit.
- Mamei mele ii place sa asculte muzica in timp ce gateste.
- A sunat soneria in timp ce dormeai.
- Am asteptat in timp ce ea s-a uitat la mine.
- L-am cunsocut/intalnit in timp ce eram la colegiu.
- Dl. Jackson a sunat in timp ce tu erai afara.
- Nu trimite mesaje in timp ce conduci!
Diferenta dintre during si while Exercitii – Raspunsuri:
- I’ve been meaning to call you for some time.
- He fell asleep during the meeting.
- We all stayed inside during the storm.
- Someone stole my bag while I was riding on the train.
- The dog was barking while she was trying to watch TV.
- Please don’t smoke while I’m eating.
- Bats sleep during the day.
- They’ve been out of the office for ages.
- He kept talking to me while I was trying to read.
- His mobile-phone rang twice during the film.
- Several glasses were broken during the party.
- I don’t use my cellphone while I drive.
- No one spoke during the first 30 minutes of the meeting.
- People don’t go outside during the cold winter months.
- While we waited for a table, Jane and I discussed our plans for after dinner.
- Because she had studied English during her childhood, she was could speak well when she arrived in Canada.
- During the lecture, the Professor spoke and his students listened.
Exercitiu 2
1. I met a nice French girl during my stay in Switzerland.
2. While I was holidaying in France, I met a nice French girl.
3. I learned some Russian while I was studying in Russia.
4. We can meet during lunchtime.
5. It happened while I was working in the garden.
6. I was in hospital during the winter.
7. The shop was closed during the whole of March.
8. I had some strange experiences while working in France.
9. I woke up during the night.
10. I cooked dinner while Samuel watched TV.
Exercitiu 3
- The accident happened while I was out.
- The accident happened during my holidays.
- It was raining during the whole night.
- We were sleeping in our tents while it was raining.
- She was surfing the internet while her friend was driving.
- She was surfing the internet during the break.
- Ian entered the room while I was doing my homework.
- During the summer he worked as a lifeguard.
- While they were watching a video, the phone rang.
- I can’t use my phone during the lessons.
Exercitiu 4
- During the summer, it rains a lot.
- During class, do not use your phone.
- He fell asleep during the meeting.
- She cried during the movie.
- I stay inside when it is hot.
- She is quiet when she is angry.
- When she comes, we will eat.
- When we finish, we can go home.
- My brother studied while I watched TV.
- He snores while he sleeps.
- We drank coffee while it was raining.
- It rained while we were coming down the mountain.
- He slept during the whole flight.
- They were giggling loudly during the lecture.
- We stayed inside during the storm.
- The restaurant is open during the day.
- He shot his wife during an argument.
- The fire alarm went off during the conference.
- Why were you silent during the meeting?
- I sleep during the day and sleeps at night.
- We waited in the car while Jack got ready.
- My mother likes to listen to music while cooking.
- The doorbell rang while you were sleeping.
- I waited while she looked at me.
- I met him while I was in college.
- Mr. Jackson called while you were out.
- Don’t text while driving! - Magazin de cadouri
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