Cum este corect: Good sau Well?
Cum este corect: Good sau Well? Cand folosim pe ”good” si cand il folosim pe ”well”? Atentie, multi pot confunda aceste doua cuvinte atunci cand vor sa se exprime in limba Engleza, mai ales, in vorbire.
Pentru a intelege mai bine diferentele dintre cele doua cuvinte in limba Engleza, vom lua cateva eemple in situatii concrete.
Cum raspunzi la intrebarea: How are you?
Cum raspunzi la intrebarea: ”How are you?” Ce folosesti ”good” sau ”well” pentru a raspunde la aceasta intrebare?
Cum este corect: ”I’m good.” sau ”I’m well.”? Ce folosim aici? Un adjectiv sau un adverb?
- How are you today? Ce mai faci, astazi? Cum esti astazi?
I’m good, thank you. Sunt bine, multumesc.
Suna bine.
- How are you today? Ce mai faci? Cum esti, astazi?
I’m well, thank you. Sunt bine, multumesc.
si asta suna bine. Cum este corect? Ambele sunt corecte. Poti folosi oricare dintre ele.
Da. Dar eu stiu ca folosim pe ”good” cu verbul ”to be”? Da. Exact. ”Well” este adverb dar este si adjectiv. Aici, ”well” inseamna : in good health. adica, sanatos, asa ca, il putem folosi.
- I’m well. Sunt bine. Este corect.
Il intalnesti si in expresia:

- All is well. Totul este bine.
Cum este corect: Good sau Well?
Cum raspunzi la intrebarea: How is life? Daca te intreaba cineva:
- How’s life?
Poti spune:
- All is well.
- Everything is good.
Totusi, nu confunda pe good cu well atunci cand avem verbe care arata actiuni:
- He is a good tennis player.
- He plays tennis well. Corect.
Nu spune niciodata:
- He plays tennis good. Incorect
Cum raspunzi la intrebarea: How are you doing?
La intrebarea: ”How are you doing?” Nu raspunde, folosind adjectivul ”good”!
- How are you doing? Ce mai faci?
- I’m doing good. Fac bine. adica, Inseamna, de fapt: ”Fac fapte bune.”
Sensul aici este diferit. Spune:
Pentru ca ”well” este adverb aici si se intelege bine cu verbul, (”do” in cazul nostru).
- Sunlight should do you good. Soarele ar trebui sa-ti faca bine.
Adica, sensul ar fi:
- You will get well if you spend time outside in the sunlight.
Folosim pe ”well” ca adverb atunci cand verbul exprima o actiune, nu o stare:
- He plays the guitar well.
He did well on the exam.
She speaks English well.
We don’t know our neighbours very well.
I do my job well.
Cum este corect?
Alege varianta corecta in urmatoarele exemple:
- Did you do good on your exams? Incorect
Did you do well on your exams? Corect - I can’t believe it! I did good on the test. Incorect
I can’t believe it! I did well on the test. Corect - Today, at last, life is good . Corect
Today, at last, life is well. Incorect - The chocolate cake looks so well. Incorect
The chocolate cake looks so good. Corect
Linking verbs Verbele de legatura
Verbele care fac legatura se folosesc cu good, an adjective, nu cu well, ca an adverb, pentru ca descriu o stare nu o actiune.
Verbele de legatura sunt: feel, seem, look, appear, smell, taste, and sound.
- The food tastes good.
The house smells good.
She looks good in that dress.
The car appears good on the exterior.
The idea seems good to me.
Good – cu verbe care arata starea emotionala
Cand descrii starea emotionala a cuiva, foloseste „good.” Uite niste exemple:
- He didn’t feel good when he lied to his dad.
I’m feeling good about this.
She feels good about her decision.
I feel good about my choice.
Well cu verbe – actiuni
Adverbul well se foloseste cu verbe care arata actiuni. Foloseste well cu actiuni. Iata cateva exemple:
- He did well on today’s test.
He did a good job on today’s test.
She has the flu and does not look well.
She was sad and did not feel good today.
I feel good about our relationship.
Our relationship is going well.
I can see pretty well.
My eyesight is good.
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