Cele Mai Importante Sensuri ale lui ‘GET in limba Engleza
Ce inseamna Get in Engleza? Pentru cei mai multi care invata Engleza, verbul ‘get’ poate crea confuzie. Poti auzi vorbitorii nativi folosind ”get” in aproape orice conversatie. Ce Inseamna si cum folosim GET in Engleza?
Verbul Get este recunoscut in Engleza pentru ca are multe sensuri si este folosit frecvent.
Ce Inseamna GET in Engleza?
Cele mai importante sensuri ale lui get sunt urmatoarele:
1. to obtain – a obtine
- I need to get some files from the archives.
- Can you get some paper from the cupboard?
2. to take – a lua
- She gets the train to work every day.
- We can get a taxi back to the hotel.
3. to receive – a primi
- Did you get my email yesterday?
- She got a beautiful necklace for her birthday.
4. to buy – a cumpara
- We need to get some milk. There isn’t any left.
- We need to get some food.
5. Become a deveni
- It’s getting colder. Put on your jacket.
- You can get better at English by practicing.
6. Arrive – a sosi
- They left at 4:30 and got home at 5:30.
- When do you think you’ll get here?
7. Understand – a intelege
- I didn’t get what he said. Did you?
- She got the joke but I didn’t.
8. Make something happen – a face ca ceva sa se intample
- You should get your hair cut. It’s really long.
- We’re getting the car checked before our holiday.
Cand nu folosim ‘get’
In cele mai multe situatii, poti alege sa folosesti get sau sinonimele sale asa cum sunt prezentate mai sus.
In scris, alege sa folosesti sinonimele ”mai traditionale ale lui get”. Get este mai ”informal”
In vorbire, iti recomanda sa folosesti pe get cat poti de mult, asa cum fac si vorbitorii nativi.
Ce Inseamna GET in Engleza? Expresii comune cu Get
Sunt multe verbe cu get si prepozitie. Unele sunt formate din doua cuvinte, alte sunt formate din trei cuvinte. ex.
- What time do you get up?La ce ora te scoli?
‘Get up’ a se ridica din pat
get on – enter a train/bus/plane/boat/bike
Uite autobuzul. Hai sa ne urcam. Here’s the bus. Let’s get on.
get off – descend from a train/bus/plane/boat/bike
- We got off the plane and went to passport control.
get in – enter a car, swimming pool or container
- He got in the car and put on his seatbelt.
get out – exit from a car, swimming pool or container
- Ok kids, we’ve arrived. You can get out now.
get up – leave your bed in the morning
- They usually get up at 7:30.
get back – return a se intoarce
- We should get back by 7:30. Can you wait for us?
get over – a trece peste ceva dificil/ a se recupera dupa o boala
- I had flu last week but I’ve got over it now.
get on/along with – a avea o relatie buna cu/ a se intelege bine cu
- Do you get on with your colleagues?
get across – a transmite/comunica o idee
- I’m not sure I got my ideas across in the meeting.
get by – survive, manage
- My French isn’t good but I know enough to get by.
get through – a intra in contact telefonic cu
- She can’t get through to Mr Black. The line’s engaged.
get away with – do something and not be caught or punished
- He stole some money from the firm but no one found out so he got away with it.
Forma pasiva cu ‘get’
Putem folosi get pentru forma pasiva. De obicei, folosim forma de trecut a lui get. Got ex.
- Their car was stolen last night. Masina lor a fost furata noaptea trecuta.
De retinut, folosim get pentru forma pasiva cu sens negativ de obicei.
Nu folosim get pentru a forma pasivul cand cream ceva. ex.
- This house was built in 1978. (Not, got built.)
Have got
Putem exprima posesia, folosind forma ”have got”. ex.
- He’s got a new car. It’s beautiful.
- Have you got any brothers and sisters?
- I’ve got a cold.
1. Exercitiu – Alege varianta corecta pentru a intelege sensurile lui Get:
- We get to the office at 8:45. arrive/take/receive
- Then we all get a coffee before starting work. arrive/take/become
- We get about 100 emails every day at customer service.arrive/buy/receive
- It’s a difficult job at the start but it gets easier with experience.obtain/become/receive
- This morning my boss asked me to get some reports for her. become/obtain/arrive
- I get on really well with her and all my colleagues.return/understand/have a good relationship
- She has a great way of getting across what she wants to say. understanding/communicating/recovering
- After a quick lunch break we get back to work and finish at 5:30. return/arrive/leave
2. Exercitiu – Alege varianta corecta:
- What time does the train ____ in? get reach arrive
- It took them ages to ____ a decision. arrive reach
- When we ____ to the party, she’d already gone home. reached arrived got
- When will she _____? arrive reach get
- She arrived ____ Paris last night. in at
- Which means ‘be informed of a decision’? get a decision reach a decision arrive at a decision
- Can you ____ the sugar? I’m not tall enough. arrive at reach
- I ____ late for the meeting. reached got arrived arrived at got to
- What time did you get ____? home to home
- I rang several times, but couldn’t get ____. –- through
Raspunsuri corecte:
1. Exercitiu – Varianta corecta
- We get to the office at 8:45. arrive
- Then we all get a coffee before starting work. take
- We get about 100 emails every day at customer service. receive
- It’s a difficult job at the start but it gets easier with experience. becomes
- This morning my boss asked me to get some reports for her. obtain
- I get on really well with her and all my colleagues. have a good relationship
- She has a great way of getting across what she wants to say. communicating
- After a quick lunch break we get back to work and finish at 5:30. return
2. Exercitiu – Alege varianta corecta:
- What time does the train ____ in? get
- It took them ages to ____ a decision. reach
- When we ____ to the party, she’d already gone home. got
- When will she _____? arrive
- She arrived ____ Paris last night. in
- Which means ‘be informed of a decision’? get a decision
- Can you ____ the sugar? I’m not tall enough. reach
- I ____ late for the meeting. arrived
- What time did you get ____? home
- I rang several times, but couldn’t get ____. through
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